The Star Malaysia

NZ kingmaker set to show hand


WELLINGTON: New Zealand’s populist kingmaker Winston Peters says he will finally reveal who he is supporting in the country’s deadlocked general election, after keeping voters waiting almost four weeks.

The South Pacific nation has been in political limbo since the Sept 23 vote failed to deliver a clear majority for either conservati­ve Prime Minister Bill English or his centre-left rival Jacinda Ardern.

They both require support from Peters’ New Zealand First (NZF) to pass the 61 seats needed for a win, giving it a decisive role in the election even though it only won 7% of the vote.

The 72-year-old political veteran has already missed several self-imposed deadlines to settle the issue but indicated in a statement yesterday that he was at last ready to show his hand.

“New Zealand First will be in a position tomorrow (today) afternoon to make an announceme­nt on the result of negotiatio­ns following the 2017 general election,” he said.

Peters has thrashed out policy positions over 11 days of negotiatio­ns with Labour, National and his own NZF, including one-onone meetings with English and Ardern.

The talks have been held in secret but Peters’ demands are expected to centre on issues such as cutting immigratio­n, banning foreign home buyers and boosting regional developmen­t.

Just as important could be what ministeria­l position NZF’s potential coalition partners are willing to offer to Peters. — AFP

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