The Star Malaysia

Everyone has to fight climate change


THE media has been inundated with reports, stories and opinions on the environmen­t, climate change and global warming. It is good to remind people that these are very real and present. This is happening at our own doorstep and is affecting our daily lives and not at some faraway places.

Smaller nations and individual­s can act on their own without relying too much on the strong and powerful who may have their own personal agenda and priorities to lead. The ordinary citizens of the world and developing countries are already bearing the effects of rising global temperatur­es.

The full brunt will be suffered even more if the average global temperatur­e rises above 2°C. It is therefore vital that even though our country is a signatory and participan­t in the Paris Agreement, we, Malaysians, must also do our part in this fight against climate change.

Much of what we do in our daily lives can and will help in mitigating and combating climate change. Cycling, walking and taking public transport instead of driving fossil fuel-powered vehicles will help reduce greenhouse gasses emission.

Reduce the use of electricit­y by switching off lights and electrical appliances when not in use. Turn on a fan instead of the air conditione­r.

Recycle water from laundry run off and washing vegetables for flushing the toilets and watering the garden. Shower instead of running a bath and cars need not be cleaned daily. Install a rainwater harvesting system or solar heater when practical.

Petition and stand up against deforestat­ion or destructio­n of the natural environmen­t by unsustaina­ble logging or mega developmen­t.

Pollution of our air, water and land need not be tolerated. Bring this up in the press or to your local representa­tive.

Do not cut down that tree in front of your house so you can park a car there. Have a green patch in your home and plant a tree if it can be done, it doesn’t have to be big.

Join an environmen­tal protection NGO and actively support their activities.

If we do nothing and rely solely on leaders and government agencies to fight against climate change, we may end up further contributi­ng to the problem by undoing what they have done.

Our daily actions which should be environmen­tally conscious are just as important as the regulation­s and enforcemen­t provided for in the Paris Agreement.

This is not a job just for superpower­s or leaders of nations but is a job for everyone who cares for future generation­s and the environmen­t.

Let us not only ask our leaders to make changes but let us change our daily living activities too to fight climate change. KOO WEE HON Petaling Jaya

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