The Star Malaysia

Risks grow for Rohingya in squalid Bangladesh camps


DHAKA: Bangladesh plans to allocate more land for camps housing Rohingya refugees as concerns grow over a possible outbreak of disease in crowded, makeshift settlement­s clustered at the country’s southern tip.

About 625,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled to Bangladesh from violence, looting and destructio­n in neighbouri­ng Myanmar after government forces launched a counter-insurgency following attacks by Rohingya militants on Aug 25.

The swift exodus has taken the Rohingya refugee population to 837,000, making Bangladesh one of the world’s largest, most crowded settlement of asylum-seekers.

More than 60% of the water supply in the camps is contaminat­ed with bacteria as temporary latrines overflow into hastily built, shallow wells, a World Health Organizati­on survey showed.

Faecal sludge in the settlement­s goes largely untreated.

“There is a high risk of a public health event, not just cholera and acute watery diarrhoea,” said Naim Talukder of the group Action Against Hunger, which is coordinati­ng the efforts of 31 groups and agencies to manage water, sanitation and hygiene.

Most refugees live in flimsy bamboo and canvas shelters in an area crowded well beyond emergency standards, said Graham Eastmond, an official of the Internatio­nal Organizati­on for Migration (IOM).

“You are talking a third of the internatio­nal standard,” he said.

“We need to decongest urgently and to do that, we need more land.”

The IOM is among the bodies that have urged Bangladesh to free up more land and allow a wider spread of settlement­s.

“The government already allocat- ed 1,214ha of land for the Rohingya,” Shah Kamal, a disaster management official, said.

“Considerin­g the current situation, the government is planning to allocate 200ha more land for them,” he added.

Last week, Bangladesh approved a US$280mil (RM1.1bil) project to develop an isolated and flood-prone island in the Bay of Bengal to temporaril­y house 100,000 Rohingya, despite criticism from rights groups.

The overcrowdi­ng spells health and safety risks, Eastmond added, from rapidly spreading waterborne and communicab­le diseases to landslides and flooding, besides swelling the threat to vulnerable children and women.

Single women or children head about a fifth of households, preliminar­y findings of a population survey by the UN refugee agency and Bangladesh showed.

By Nov 11, there were 36,096 cases of acute watery diarrhoea since Aug 25, as infection rates climbed, the UN children’s agency said last month.

 ?? AFP ?? Dire straits: Rohingya collecting water from a tube well near a toilet at the Palongkhal­i camp in Cox’s Bazar. —
AFP Dire straits: Rohingya collecting water from a tube well near a toilet at the Palongkhal­i camp in Cox’s Bazar. —
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