The Star Malaysia

Chance to meet other half at the assembly


DELEGATES and visitors to the Umno General Assembly often take the opportunit­y to meet up with long-time friends as well as political movers and shakers.

It seems this year, they can also meet their other half as well.

Zainudin Jaafar, the founder of a matchmakin­g agency based here, was spotted giving out his agensi mencari jodoh (matchmakin­g agency) flyers to delegates and visitors at the Putra World Trade Centre.

“Since Tuesday, I’ve been handing out the flyers at the PWTC and so far, I’ve received 30 to 40 calls from people interested to find their other half.

“They are widows, widowers, divorcees, Muslim men looking to take more wives as well as women wanting to find married men capable of looking after them,” said Zainudin, who is running the business managed by Q’Plus Resources since 2006.

Zainudin’s clientele are only Malaysians, aged 18 to 88 and keen to find a partner – either for themselves, their friends or family members.

“I will meet the candidates first to assess whether they are of sound mind and good physical state.

“As for the men, I’ll check whether they have the financial means to support a wife,” Zainudin said, adding that he had so far helped over 1,000 men and women to tie the knot.

Zainudin said he and his wife helped interested parties get to know each other and counsel them while at the same time ensure the safety of the women.

On average, he charges men between RM300 and RM500 while for poor women or single mothers, they can pay him whatever they can afford.

“I don’t charge if the women really need my help but sometimes they’d pay about RM20 to RM30,” Zainudin said, adding that he was in the business of helping people find their life partners and build families.

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