The Star Malaysia

‘Hot’ informatio­n

It is believed to involve Selangor MB


Celebrity Azwan Ali han ds over a brown envelope to the Malaysian AntiCorrup­tion Commission .

PUTRAJAYA: In a move that may further heat up tension between siblings, celebrity Azwan Ali has handed over “hot” informatio­n to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) believed linked to allegation­s of graft against his brother, Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azmin Ali.

The flamboyant host handed over a brown envelope to the MACC when he met its officials for over an hour at its headquarte­rs.

Just two weeks ago, Azwan had turned up at the Umno general assembly claiming to have secrets on Azmin which he would “expose one by one”.

However, Azwan did not mention his elder brother yesterday from the time he arrived at the MACC office at about 10am, showing the media the brown envelope with the words “Urusan Seri Paduka Baginda” before meeting MACC deputy chief commission­er (operations) Datuk Seri Azam Baki.

“It is hot ... too hot. I have brought proof but I can only reveal a little bit. Who is the leader? I cannot comment.

“I just want to contribute as much as I can to the investigat­ion. I am not in a position to reveal the whole document as it is private and confidenti­al and I do not want to disrupt the ongoing investigat­ion,” he told reporters.

On Dec 6, Azwan made a dramatic presence at the Umno general assembly accompanie­d by Sungai Besar Umno division chief Datuk Seri Jamal Yunos and declared that he would assist Barisan Nasional in “taking down” Azmin in the coalition’s bid to win the Pakatan Harapan-led state in the coming general election.

In response, Azmin said he would “pray hard for Azwan” and would not discuss family matters publicly.

Azwan is the second sibling to have a public spat with Azmin after their sister Ummi Hafilda had openly criticised Azmin. She has not commented on the latest episode between her brothers. Yesterday, Azwan said he was not coerced by any individual into submitting the evidence and giving his statements to the MACC. “I am just doing my part as a Muslim and my responsibi­lity to repair the current situation that is becoming more and more suspicious,” he added. Asked about allegation­s that he received dedak (money), Azwan said everyone, including celebritie­s, had the right to support the Government. “Why do people accuse me of receiving dedak when some artistes also receive dedak from the Opposition? What kind of dedak is that? “I also received a lot of messages of support from opposition leaders who congratula­ted me for doing what I am doing now. “I am not doing this because it is near the general election. I forgive those who continue to criticise me, especially online. I am doing this for God and the people,” he said.

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 ??  ?? By hand: Azwan arriving at the MACC headquarte­rs in
Putrajaya to submit the brown envelope.
By hand: Azwan arriving at the MACC headquarte­rs in Putrajaya to submit the brown envelope.

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