The Star Malaysia

MAICCI: Take Malaysian Insight heads to task


KUALA LUMPUR: Directors and shareholde­rs of The Malaysian Insight should be censured if there is evidence of wrongdoing by the news portal, suggests a business organisati­on.

Malaysian Associated Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MAICCI) president Tan Sri Kenneth Eswaran accused the news portal of carrying fake news.

He said it should be determined whether the portal was indeed using foreign funds to discredit the Prime Minister and his government, and if illicit funds were being used for that purpose.

“We think it’s about time that appropriat­e action is taken to bring the culprits to book.

“We want this to be a lesson to those who think they can mislead the people through fake news,” he told a press conference after MAICCI’s 20th management council meeting here yesterday.

Eswaran, who said MAICCI had obtained a list of the portal’s directors and shareholde­rs, added that it would seek legal opinion on whether it should lodge reports to the police or Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

He said the meeting also unanimousl­y supported the leadership of Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, whom he described as the “Father of Indian Developmen­t”.

“While we face problems in the global economy, we have a leader like Najib who led the country to a growth rate of 6.2% in the third quarter despite all the challenges,” he added.

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