The Star Malaysia

Pausing for year-end reflection­s


THE final weeks and days of December are popularly associated with Christmas, Boxing Day, shopping spree, yearend vacations as well as preparing a list of New Year resolution­s.

Often, we are advised to move on and let bygones be bygones. However, it is also necessary for us to take a moment to flash back and learn from those past days of happiness, sadness, fear and anger.

Good and bad memories are part and parcel of life. They make our lives balanced. Whether our previous plans have gone well or wrong, that is the wheel of life. We need to be at the top, and bottom, to keep going.

Some people are proud of their achievemen­ts while others fail to accomplish their goals despite striving hard. This is not an example of a blessed life versus a cursed one. Rather, it is about being grateful for different gifts and tests in life.

It is a challenge for successful people to stay humble without looking down on others and bragging about their achievemen­ts. For the ones missing the opportunit­y to shine, their sheer grit and determinat­ion to stay motivated to pursue their dreams will transform them into unsung heroes. Their blood, sweat and tears may eventually pay off.

As imperfect human beings, we are bound to make mistakes and get carried away with our emotions. We might have committed foolish acts or indulged in guilty pleasures but our will to change into better persons will help us improve.

Our inner strength and ability to forgive ourselves and others will help us leave the bad days behind as we believe that everyone deserves a second chance.

Good and kind people will forgive those who have wronged them, realising that they will miss a chance to lead a happy, free and peaceful life if they hold a grudge forever. In fact, this noble character will stop them from overreacti­ng.

Well, some may say this is easier said than done as we are not in their shoes. But don’t they too wish for others to forgive them for their past mistakes? This is actually a giveandtak­e and winwin situation.

We should learn to drop our ego, apologise and accept others’ apologies wholeheart­edly. This act of reconcilia­tion and reciprocat­ion reflects our maturity, wisdom and optimism in life.

Life is too short for us to spend time doing something pointless and meaningles­s.

As we welcome the new year, let us ditch our bad habits of overspendi­ng, pointing fingers, slandering, littering, judging a book by its cover, sharing false informatio­n on social media, endangerin­g others’ lives by speeding on the road and smoking in public.

Now, let us turn over a new leaf and move on.


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