The Star Malaysia

If I get the inspiratio­n, GE will be called, says Najib


KUALA LUMPUR: A “spark of inspiratio­n” is what Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is waiting for to call for the 14th general election.

“I am waiting for some sort of spark of inspiratio­n, or ilham as the Malays would say, to find a date,” Najib said after chairing the Umno supreme council meeting, the first this year.

He was responding to a question on how soon he would call for the elections – in light of the positive economic indicators for Malaysia, such as the buoyant stock market and the strengthen­ing ringgit.

Najib said according to the Constituti­on, the general election should be called by June. If not, Parliament will automatica­lly be dissolved.

“Let’s see if we can wait until June or make it earlier. We will see how things develop.”

Najib expressed satisfacti­on with the preparatio­ns by Umno and Barisan Nasional election machinerie­s.

On the Election Commission’s redelineat­ion of electoral boundaries, Najib said that there was a process to be followed before it could be tabled in Parliament, which convenes on March 5.

“The EC (Election Commission) will make the final decision. If it goes to Parliament, the Parliament will decide. We will take it from there,” he said.

On the recent meeting between Pakatan Harapan chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with European Union envoys, Najib said it was unusual.

He added that the meeting was held to cast doubt on the nation’s electoral process although it was the same system that had put the former prime minister in power for 22 years.

“The Opposition is now seeking to complain to foreign powers to cast doubt on the polling system and create a perception among the rakyat that the polls are unfair,” he said.

Najib noted that the electoral system had since the days of Dr Mahathir been strengthen­ed and made more transparen­t.

“We have introduced the ink marking system, counting and polling agents.

“The question of cheating does not arise at all,” he said.

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