The Star Malaysia

Nabbed – dealer who thought he could fool cops


KUALA TERENGGANU: A drug dealer hid his illicit stuff in what he thought was an “innovative way” to fool law enforcers.

The police, however, found it to be just another old tactic.

Police arrested the 31-year-old electricia­n with the drugs hidden in various parts of his van and motorcycle.

Kuala Terengganu Deputy OCPD Supt Suffian Sulaiman said that at first, police did not find anything when they searched the suspect’s home in Kg Kepong, Chabang Tiga, on Monday.

“Then, we found the drugs hidden in secret compartmen­ts in his vehicles.

“This is an old trick used by many dealers who try to fool the police,” he said, adding that the suspect had been on the police’s “wanted list” for about two months.

Supt Suffian said that the suspect hid most of the drugs under the van’s floor mat, its door lining and fuel cap.

Cough syrup was also found in the carrier box of one of his motorcycle­s.

“We also found RM12,000 kept in there too,” said Supt Suffian.

“We believe that he supplied drugs to addicts in Terengganu and the cash was revenue from his dealings,” Supt Suffian said.

Police also seized the suspect’s 4WD, believed to have been bought with money from the drug trade.

Another motorcycle was also seized.

The suspect is being remanded for seven days.

We found the drugs hidden in secret compartmen­ts in his vehicles. This is an old trick used by many dealers who try to fool the police.

Supt Suffian Sulaiman

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