The Star Malaysia

Egyptian dinosaur with ties to Africa found


Paris: A long-necked dinosaur unearthed in Egypt has yielded the first evidence of contact between African and European dinosaurs shortly before the creatures disappeare­d for good about 66 million years ago, scientists said.

Given a dearth of dinosaur skeletons from Africa, palaeontol­ogists have battled to reconstruc­t a map of how the animals spread across the world after the “superconti­nent” Pangaea broke up into different land masses some 200 million years ago.

Many believed Africa’s dinosaurs were completely isolated from cousins on other continents by the time their heyday was brought to an abrupt end, possibly by an asteroid strike.

The new specimen, an elephant-sized plant-eater given the name Mansourasa­urus, sheds new light on Afro-European dinosaur ties, its discoverer­s said.

Looking at its physiology, the team concluded that Mansourasa­urus was “more closely related to dinosaurs from Europe and Asia than it is to those found farther south in Africa or in South America”, according to a statement from Ohio University.

“This, in turn, shows that at least some dinosaurs could move between Africa and Europe near the end of these animals’ reign. Africa’s last dinosaurs weren’t completely isolated.”

Very few dinosaur fossils from the late Cretaceous period, about 100 to 66 million years ago, have been unearthed on the African continent.

Much of the land where fossils may be found is today covered in lush vegetation, unlike the exposed rock in which bones are frequently found in Patagonia, for example.

Discovered in the Sahara Desert, Mansourasa­urus is the most complete dinosaur skeleton from the late Cretaceous period ever found in Africa.

The remains include scattered bits of the creature’s vertebrae, skull, lower jaw, ribs, and leg bones.

Mansourasa­urus is a titanosaur, a group which also included some of the biggest land animals ever to have lived, such as Argentinos­aurus, Dreadnough­tus, and Patagotita­n.

“When I first saw pics of the fossils, my jaw hit the floor,” said study co-author Matt Lamanna of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

“This was the Holy Grail – a well-preserved dinosaur from the end of the Age of Dinosaurs in Africa – that we palaeontol­ogists had been searching for a long, long time.”

 ?? — Reuters ?? Jurassic world: An artist’s impression of the Mansourasa­urus on a coastline approximat­ely 80 million years ago.
— Reuters Jurassic world: An artist’s impression of the Mansourasa­urus on a coastline approximat­ely 80 million years ago.

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