The Star Malaysia

Disturbing­ly high rates of diabetes in India, study finds


MIAMI: India is facing an epidemic of diabetes and high blood pressure, often called “silent killers” because they lead to heart disease, said a report involving more than 1.3 million people.

The rate of diabetes in India is over 6%, while around one quarter of people have high blood pressure, said the first nationally representa­tive figures on the topic, published in the Journal of the American Medical Associatio­n (JAMA) Internal Medicine.

The rates of diabetes and hypertensi­on were particular­ly high among middle-aged and elderly people.

While these rates are lower than the United States and China, experts say a combinatio­n of widespread tobacco use, genetic susceptibi­lity to diabetes and a lack of access to quality medical care are to blame.

“In middle-age to older adults across all geographic settings and socioecono­mic groups in the country, the prevalence of both diabetes and hypertensi­on were disturbing­ly high,” said an accompanyi­ng editorial by Alka Kanaya of the University of California, San Francisco.

Overall, prevalence of diabetes was 6.1% among women and 6.5% among men.

For hypertensi­on, it was 20% among women and 24.5% among men.

Young adults also had unexpected­ly high rates of hypertensi­on -the rate was 12% among those aged between 18 and 25.

“Hypertensi­on was higher among adults under 45 than previously estimated and was higher than in Central and Eastern Europe, the region previously estimated to have the highest rates for young adults,” said the report.

Whether rich or poor, all groups were similarly affected by diabetes and high blood pressure.

Being wealthy was associated with only a modestly higher risk of diabetes, on the order of about 3%.

Among the poorest households in rural areas, the rate was also high – 5.9% had diabetes and 30% had hypertensi­on.

“Understand­ing how diabetes and hypertensi­on prevalence varies within a country as large as India is essential for targeting of prevention, screening, and treatment services,” said lead author Pascal Geldsetzer, a doctoral student in the Department of Global Health and Population.

The study was based on health data collected from 1,320,555 adults across India between 2012 and 2014, including plasma glucose and blood pressure measuremen­ts.

“India has a window of opportunit­y to invest in its health system to effectivel­y tackle hypertensi­on and diabetes – both major killers,” said Rifat Atun, co-senior author and professor of global health systems in the Department of Global Health and Population.

“However, because the epidemics are worsening rapidly, now is the time for urgent action.”

India is home to more than a sixth of the world’s population.

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