The Star Malaysia

Wipe out the menace of corruption through death penalty


SOCIAL media has become a hobgoblin that’s running amok with its swiftness and ease of use. It has become the playing field for calumnious postings without much regard for human etiquette and respect.

The Malaysian political arena has not been spared either. One of the favourite allegation­s among the cyber troopers is corruption. Corruption allegation­s have been directed at both the Government and Opposition. Half-baked “evidence” are presented to prove the allegation­s.

This is not good for most of the rakyat who do not have the capacity to vet through such allegation­s.

This letter is written in hope that corruption will be totally wiped out and no further allegation­s will be made.

Like it or not, being exposed to such unrestrain­ed propaganda can leave a bad impression on the rak- yat. It has become deeply ingrained among some that Malaysia is not a country of law and they feel the leaders are able to carry out whatever they desire.

I beg to differ. Malaysia is still governed by law.

Our nation’s leaders still have to toe the line set by our Federal Constituti­on.

As such, to prove that the Government is sincere in combating corruption, I implore it to intro- duce a mandatory death penalty for corruption.

We stifled drug traffickin­g in Malaysia via the mandatory death penalty.

We can do the same for corruption.

Let us make Malaysia a respectabl­e country with zero tolerance for corruption. MOHAMED HISHAM YAHYA Petaling Jaya

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