The Star Malaysia

MIC wants Lim to explain relationsh­ip with Datuk Seri


PETALING JAYA: Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng must explain his relationsh­ip with a Datuk Seri being investigat­ed in the Penang undersea tunnel project graft probe, said MIC treasurer- general Datuk Seri S. Vell Paari.

Vell Paari said Lim and his party DAP had a duty to the Indian community to “explain” their relation- ship with this suspect, who had “betrayed the trust of and cheated” the community.

“That suspect is involved in a case where many Malaysian Indians were cheated of their hard-earned money and savings.

“Datuk R. Ramanan and I had exposed him less than two years ago.

“As such, many individual­s who are familiar with the suspect have told me that the photo of the Penang Chief Minister with the suspect was indeed taken in the lavish private home of the suspect,” said Vell Paari.

He said Lim and DAP must explain “when and why” the chief minister had visited the suspect’s house.

The 37-year-old Datuk Seri is being investigat­ed by MACC for allegedly receiving RM19mil from the project’s main contractor Consortium Zenith Constructi­on to “help settle” the commission’s probe into the controvers­ial RM6.34bil project comprising an undersea tunnel and three main highways.

Lim’s office subsequent­ly issued a statement saying that linking the Chief Minister to the Datuk Seri was a “disgusting smear attempt”.

“What dealings or businesses does he have with this Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission suspect?

“If the photo was indeed not from the suspect’s house, the Penang CM and DAP are more than welcome to sue me,” said Vell Paari.

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