The Star Malaysia

The shoulder that is ‘frozen’

Stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint could be due to a condition called frozen shoulder.


IS frozen shoulder always improved with physical therapy, or are there sometimes other measures that must be taken? How long should it take to heal?

In many cases, physical therapy is all that’s needed to treat frozen shoulder.

It can take time, however. Even with treatment, it may be six months to a year before full function is restored.

If there’s ongoing pain involved or if physical therapy isn’t enough to resolve the problem, then medication injections, or rarely, surgery may be necessary to treat frozen shoulder.

Frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, happens when the ligaments that hold the shoulder joint in place tighten due to inflammati­on and restrict the joint’s movement.

The condition typically progresses through three stages.

During the first stage, moving the shoulder becomes painful. In the second stage, the pain subsides, but the shoulder becomes stiffer and more difficult to move. In the third stage, the stiffness decreases, and the shoulder’s range of motion gradually returns.

It’s not clear what causes frozen shoulder, but people with diabetes, those who have thyroid problems and anyone who has had shoulder surgery are at an increased risk for developing this disorder.

Frozen shoulder can usually be identified based on a person’s symptoms, but in some situations, an x-ray, MRI or other imaging exams may be needed to rule out other problems.

A thorough and careful assessment is important because frozen shoulder is commonly misdiagnos­ed as being a rotator cuff tear.

And people who have rotator cuff tears are often told they have frozen shoulder.

Accordingl­y, it is critical that patients who are thought to have either condition be evaluated for the other to ensure an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.

Physical therapy is the mainstay of treatment for frozen shoulder. A physical therapist can provide exercises to help restore the shoulder’s range of motion and mobility.

In more than 90% of cases, frozen shoulder goes away with physical therapy and time.

But even when physical therapy is done consistent­ly, it may still take up to a year to gain back all lost shoulder function.

The pain that characteri­ses the first stage of frozen shoulder usually can be managed with nonprescri­ption medication­s that reduce inflammati­on, such as ibuprofen and aspirin.

If that’s not enough, stronger prescripti­on anti-inflammato­ry drugs may be useful.

In cases with significan­t pain and stiffness, an injection of a corticoste­roid medication into the joint is often recommende­d.

That medication can decrease inflammati­on and make physical therapy easier to perform.

When shoulder stiffness is not accompanie­d by pain, corticoste­roid injections are less beneficial.

Stiffness that lasts beyond a full course of physical therapy over six to 12 months or shoulder stiffness that gets significan­tly worse during physical therapy may signal that surgery is needed to release the tight ligaments and remove scar tissue that may contribute to the problem.

The surgery can usually be done arthroscop­ically through two to three small incisions as an outpatient procedure, so an overnight hospital stay is not required.

Physical therapy is still necessary for several weeks or more after surgery to prevent frozen shoulder from coming back.

After it’s been successful­ly treated, it’s uncommon for frozen shoulder to return in the same shoulder.

But some patients may go on to have it in the other shoulder.

In people who have medical issues that put them at risk for the condition, treating those disorders may decrease the likelihood of developing frozen shoulder. – Mayo Clinic News Network/ Tribune News Service

 ??  ?? Frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, happens when the ligaments that hold the shoulder joint in place tighten due to inflammati­on and restrict the joint’s movement. — TNS
Frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, happens when the ligaments that hold the shoulder joint in place tighten due to inflammati­on and restrict the joint’s movement. — TNS

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