The Star Malaysia

PAS will benefit from Malay tsunami, not DAP, says Ti


PETALING JAYA: A Malay tsunami in the general election will only benefit PAS, not DAP, and this will cause the Chinese community to be sidelined, said MCA Religious Harmony Bureau head Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker.

Even if the Malays were fed up with Umno or some of its politician­s or grassroots leaders, he said the votes would not go to DAP.

“DAP will be last in line and this includes those who are aligned with them. The next choice will automatica­lly be PAS.

“PAS also realises that this is its best chance and it is taking this advantage, knowing that the Malays want a change.

“This is why PAS strategise­d itself by contesting in 160 parliament­ary seats, even more than Umno,” he said.

Ti, however, said he did not foresee a Malay tsunami as the wave of Malay voters was split between Umno, Amanah, PAS, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia and PKR.

“For a tsunami to happen, there needs to be a certain direction. But on the Opposition side, there is no concentrat­ion on a certain direction.

“Even if there is a 10% or 20% shift, it still won’t benefit DAP because the Malays don’t trust DAP and they know that Umno prioritise­s and protects the Malay community,” he said in the Utusan Online Facebook Live talk show titled “Racial Politics: What Would the Chinese Get?”

If PAS manages to win some 30% or 50 seats, Ti said it might be a power broker and would no longer be seen as a party focused on the east coast.

He said the situation of a hung Parliament would benefit PAS as it would be the deciding party on who to form a unity government with.

“DAP will never be able to stop PAS if it decides to form the Government with Umno – PAS will also decide what type of government it wants to be.

“The Chinese community only has 6% representa­tion in the Government now. If DAP is still pursuing its mission to eliminate MCA and Gerakan, the representa­tion might even drop to 1% or worse, zero,” Ti said.

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