The Star Malaysia

‘Red shirts’ are not required


I USED to think Malaysians were only good at complainin­g and grumbling but apparently we have come out of hibernatio­n. The outcome of the 14th General Election is proof of this.

Whether you are a supporter of the old government or the new one is irrelevant. Do not get carried away with the glitter of this world.

It is the will of the people who have put the current government in power and the same people could remove them in five years’ time. What is important now is the revival of this country.

To achieve this, we must focus on what needs to be done and go about it in a legal and honourable manner.

There is also an urgent need to pass two bills in Parliament, one dealing with racism and the other religious abuse. We do not want any more “red shirts” in our midst! Nor do we want PAS rhetoric about Islam, hudud and the like. What we want is religious developmen­t that inculcates character, discipline, respect, trustworth­iness and etc. and not robotic ritualism.

A law needs to be enacted to put an end to abuse of religion. We also need to “clean out” all the television programmes and institutio­ns that cause more confusion over understand­ing Islam (for example Tanya Ustad) and have them replaced with shows on character building, fulfilment of trust and etc.

Preaching must be undertaken in a wider context and not just from a single verse from the Quran. It is this kind of usage that lures individual­s from around the world to undertake jihad and ended up serving IS, and they never realised that they were being used.

Those in power today may feel they have reached the summit of their ambitions but please remember that everyone has their day in the sun. So, if the elected representa­tives fail to fulfil their responsibi­lities, they too will soon be out of office!

I would not like to see Pakatan and PKR going against one another in upcoming elections. Enough of racism and corruption. Everyone should understand the rights of everyone else within the framework of our Constituti­on. Serve the Creator and our nation instead. HAJI MOKHTAR STORK Ampang, Selangor

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