The Star Malaysia

Leave it in the hands of Dr M


THE choice of the attorney general is the prerogativ­e of the sitting prime minister. This is clear in our Constituti­on. And in the same breath, the position of our monarchy is enshrined and safeguarde­d in our parliament­ary democracy.

The constituti­on must be supreme for rule of law to thrive.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, being unique and unequalled in his experience of appointing three AGs during his previous stint as our fourth prime minister, is now on the verge of appointing the fourth in his second tenure. There is enough wisdom in these numbers for our 92-year-old fighter!

He is aware that the people have had enough of the injustices that enveloped us in such a magnitude that it has affected the very fabric of our socio-economic wellbeing.

From the courts to the cash hoarders, enough is enough is the roll call among the rakyat, young and old. This call is so loud and clear, it would be prudent for all in the political spectrum to take heed.

The AG’s office is the backbone of the criminal justice system and the investigat­ive arm is totally dependent and subservien­t to it. The totality in discretion of prosecutio­n by the AG and the fusion of powers of these two branches make him a very powerful player in our justice system.

But we have had enough miscarriag­es of justice, poor prosecutio­n strategies (as in the Altantuya case) and the fiasco of our most prominent investigat­ive arms, the police and MACC, being at loggerhead­s as the AG’s Chambers remained silent, just to name a few.

The inept handling of the 1MDB investigat­ions was the straw that broke the camel’s back. After putting up with such incompeten­ce for so long, the dam finally burst during the 14th General Election when the people voted in a new government. The perpetrato­rs will finally face the legal consequenc­es of their misdeeds.

The prime minister should be given the chance to set the house in order and we have to go with his choice of who becomes AG. Furthermor­e, I think he should go one step further and make both the custodians of investigat­ion and prosecutio­n accountabl­e to Parliament, and this includes the manner of their appointmen­ts. G. SELVA Ipoh

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