The Star Malaysia

Daughters gave boxer the upper hand


It was for the love of his daughter that R. Vairavasun­daram turned his life around.

“I fell into depression due to a family problem. A relative told me that I would be ruining my daughters’ lives if I continued with the way I was,” said Vairavasun­daram.

“So I tried hard to recover for their sake.

“I was determined to ensure that they did not go through a problemati­c childhood as I did.”

These days, the 57-year-old youth trainer and motivation­al speaker can be found bonding with his girls – Kowsalya Sundaram, 18, and Priyanka, 21 – at the martial arts studio he set up here about three years ago.

Vairavasun­daram said unlike other convention­al father-daughter activities, matriculat­ion student Kowsalya and Priyanka, who is pursuing a degree in mechanical engineerin­g, like spending time with their dad at his studio.

“I’m grateful that the girls share the same passion in sports as I do,” he said.

The younger girl said seeing their father’s selflessne­ss in helping others inspired them to follow suit.

“He has always been compassion­ate towards people and animals. He also tries to improvise his programmes to help children,” Kowsalya said when met at the studio in Penang Times Square yesterday.

“Our father is friendly, open-minded, encouragin­g, and has never tried to push his interest on us. We picked it up ourselves.”

Last year, Vairavasun­daram began a programme called “Zero to Hero” to help youths love themselves through martial arts, physical training and communing with nature.

Currently, the former boxer and Muay Thai champion has more than 30 participan­ts, aged between 10 and 23, involved with his programme.

 ??  ?? Kickboxing style: Vairavasun­daram showing how to execute a muay Thai kick on a punching bag being held by Kowsalya.
Kickboxing style: Vairavasun­daram showing how to execute a muay Thai kick on a punching bag being held by Kowsalya.

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