The Star Malaysia

Asyraf to adopt moderate Islamic approach


KUALA LUMPUR: Newly elected Umno Youth chief Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki vows to adopt a moderate approach towards Islam.

“Umno has been preaching Islam, but not the version preached by PAS.

“We need to explain to the people that we have never preached an extreme version of Islam,” he said.

Dr Asyraf was speaking to reporters after he was announced as the winner at the Putra World Trade Centre yesterday.

Apart from Dr Asyraf, also voted in are Wanita chief is Datuk Dr Noraini Ahmad and the Puteri chief is Datuk Zahida Zarik Khan.

The official results of the Umno wings’ elections was announced by Umno executive secretary Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh at Umno’s headquarte­rs at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), 9pm yesterday after a delay of more than four hours.

Earlier, there was a recount causing the press conference to be delayed.

Dr Asyraf, who is a former deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of Islam, cited Sabah as example where Umno has to adopt a more “flexible approach”.

“It is not all Islam in Sabah. You see the different faces of Malaysia.

“For example, the new Tenom Umno Youth chief Bobby Balang is a Christian,” he said.

On factionali­sm within the party, Dr Asyraf said he was against different “camps” among youth leaders.

“Having different camps or teams will result in grudges against one another.

“Whoever wins the state Youth chief posts will be considered my deputy,” he said, adding a good leader must be able to manage his team.

Dr Asyraf said he would adopt a five-pronged approach to rebuild the Youth wing, including recruiting and training a pool of future leaders.

“We must adopt a culture of knowledge, in which what we speak is based on facts and not sentiments or emotions,” he said.

He noted that Umno is now the Opposition and therefore carries a responsibi­lity to be an effective check and balance on the Pakatan Harapan government.

“We need to bring alternativ­e views. The Government is also human and not angels. They are open to making mistakes like us,” he said.

Dr Asyraf said Umno Youth must also develop a strong self-identity to be an effective Opposition.

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Dr Asyraf (right) posing with Umno Youth vice-chief Shahril Sufian Hamdan at the Menara Dato Onn lobby. — Bernama
Leading the pack: Dr Asyraf (right) posing with Umno Youth vice-chief Shahril Sufian Hamdan at the Menara Dato Onn lobby. — Bernama

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