The Star Malaysia

Ask Najib about persecutio­n claim, says Dr M


PUTRAJAYA: While the country was abuzz on the charging of his predecesso­r, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had little to say about it.

Asked by reporters about Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s claim that he was a victim of persecutio­n, the Prime Minister said: “You better ask him. I don’t know.”

Dr Mahathir made the remarks when met during the Prime Minister’s Department’s Hari Raya do at the Putrajaya Internatio­nal Convention Centre here yesterday.

Following his arrest on Tuesday, Najib released what is believed to be a pre-recorded video in which he maintained his innocence, claiming that many social media posts and news reports on him were slanderous.

At the event, Dr Mahathir urged civil servants to ensure transparen­cy in their work, adding that this was necessary to ensure the coun- try’s progress.

“I am confident in carrying out our responsibi­lities to administer the country. Not just to recover, but also to bring progress and develop our nation.

“All this requires that we adopt a transparen­t attitude in our work. This is so that we can eventually produce a Malaysia that is more developed and successful. That is our hope,” he said.

Dr Mahathir also reminded civil servants to be grateful that the country was able to oversee a peaceful transition of power.

“Usually, in other countries where there is a change of government, riots and even war would ensue, resulting in fatalities.

“This is because the losing side refuses to accept defeat. But in Malaysia, the losers conceded and allowed space for the new government to take over peacefully.

“We must be grateful for this,” Dr Mahathir added.

Also present were Dr Mahathir’s wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali, Home Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu as well as Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Dr Ali Hamsa.

In Alor Setar, Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir, reacting to the charges filed against Najib, said “the rule of law is now taking its course”.

“This is what we had been hoping for all this while. What happened had a very direct impact on our own psychology.

“It had a negative impact on everyone in the country, we were all feeling very down.

“Our pride in the country and in ourselves was affected,” Mukhriz told reporters following the first session of Kedah’s 14th State Legislativ­e Assembly meeting held yesterday.

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