The Star Malaysia

Fulfil promise to strengthen Chinese education, Teo urged


PETALING JAYA: Fulfil your promise to empower Chinese education in the country, MCA Youth has reminded newly minted Deputy Education Minister Teo Nie Ching.

Its secretary-general Datuk Leong Kim Soon said Teo needed to fulfil the promises she and DAP made before the election on recognisin­g the Unified Examinatio­n Certificat­e (UEC).

“On April 7, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said he would assist MCA in getting recognitio­n for UEC and promised to get recognitio­n for UEC in Chinese private schools within 30 days of Pakatan Harapan winning the Federal Government.

“Teo also recorded a video promising to get recognitio­n for UEC without any condition if DAP won the Federal Government.

“Her appointmen­t as the Deputy Education Minister has given her the opportunit­y to carry out her promises.

“Now it is time for DAP to keep its promise,” said Leong in a statement yesterday.

He said there were also other issues related to the Chinese education system that Teo needed to give attention to, such as the building of 10 new Chinese schools and the relocation of six others.

“We urge Teo to ensure that all 10 schools are built and the other six schools are relocated, as planned by the previous Barisan Nasional government, for the good of the people.

“We also urge her to explain the vision of Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on the establishm­ent of Sekolah Wawasan (Vision Schools) and its effects on Chinese education,” he added.

Leong urged Teo not to make U-turns on the issues related to Chinese education.

“The Chinese community will monitor DAP to ensure that it fulfils its responsibi­lities after being given the mandate,” he said.

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