The Star Malaysia

Together after 18 years apart

Tears of joy as Ethiopian man reunites with family in Eritrea


ASMARA: When Ethiopia and Eritrea went to war in 1998 and deported each other’s nationals en masse, Addisalem Hadgu thought he had nothing to worry about, safe in the belief his Ethiopian passport would shield his Eritrean wife from expulsion.

Two years later, as the conflict raged on in trenches along the common border, his wife, Nitslal Abraha, mysterious­ly disappeare­d along with their two daughters.

Addisalem, an Ethiopian state TV journalist, embarked on a frantic search.

A neighbour approached him several days later and handed him a letter from Nitslal in which she said she had left for Eritrea with Azmera and Danayt, who were teenagers at the time.

The letter did not explain her reasons but Addisalem suspected that she, like millions of others on both sides of the conflict, had been swept by the patriotism and nationalis­m that engulfed both countries as bloodshed escalated.

“One day, we may meet,” the letter read.

For 18 years, they didn’t. There was no way to communicat­e – all transport links, phone and postal services had been severed since the start of the conflict.

But this month, a reunion became possible when the two government­s – bitter enemies for nearly two decades despite agreeing to a ceasefire back in 2000 – signed a peace deal that ended a generation of hostility in a matter of days.

After Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki and Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed shook hands, hugged and pledged to restore ties, Addisalem was among more than 400 passengers who flew to Asmara on Wednesday on the first direct flight between the Horn of Africa neighbours since 1998.

Only months earlier, he had given up hope of a reunion.

Over the years he had tried to reach out, including a request to the Internatio­nal Committee of the Red Cross to find his wife’s contact, but to no avail.

“Everything discourage­d you. I used to ask myself whether I was going to be deprived of seeing my family again because I did not have enough money,” said the 58-yearold Addisalem.

On Thursday, outside a small brick house in Asmara’s Geza Banda ‘Tilyan district, Addisalem was received to ululations and cheers.

Husband, wife and daughters embraced for the first time in 18 years.

“It was years of darkness. The separation and longing was unthinkabl­e.

“Imagine someone who just won a lottery.

“That is how I feel now,” Addisalem said, lamenting the long and bitter price paid by ordinary people on both sides of the conflict. — Reuters

 ??  ?? Moving moment: Addisalem embracing his daughters at Asmara Internatio­nal Airport. — Reuters
Moving moment: Addisalem embracing his daughters at Asmara Internatio­nal Airport. — Reuters

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