The Star Malaysia

‘Child marriage is exploitati­ve’

Mujahid: Issue must be viewed in the interest of protecting minors


A Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department has described many child marriages as being exploitati­ve and paedophili­c in nature, as he defended the Government’s intention to ban the practice.

Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusuf Rawa said although such marriages were allowed in Islam, the issue must be looked at from a larger point of view and in the name of public interest.

“(This is) especially in the protection of children.

“Many such marriages are exploitati­ve in nature in terms of econom ic and sexual desire, to the extent of making them (the husbands) glorified paedophile­s,” he told reporters at the Parliament lobby.

“The government of the day can intervene to ban it in terms of syariah implementa­tion if the marriage is considered exploitati­ve in nature.

“We must think about that,” said Dr Mujahid, who is in charge of Islamic affairs.

On Wednesday, he had told Dewan Rakyat that as a shortterm solution, a Standard Operating Procedure was being drafted to tighten provisions relating to child marriage.

The Government also intended to eventually ban the practice, he added.

But in an immediate reaction, Kelantan Deputy Mentri Besar and PAS vicepresid­ent Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah had said the party was against a blanket ban on child marriage as it would contravene religious teachings.

Yesterday, PAS deputy president and Kubang Kerian MP Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said although the Government could take action, it shoud study the matter from various aspects first.

“Child marriages do not only revolve around Islam but other religions too, including those of the orang asal,” he said.

“Their traditions also allow for marriages as early as 15 to 16 years old. So, what is the root of the problem here?

“Can we know if the divorce rate in that age gap is higher than those who are older?

“We must look at the issue in totality and not just the age factor,” he added.

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