The Star Malaysia

Fuss over bodyguard a ‘storm in a teacup’


PA R IS: French President Emmanuel Macron dismissed the scandal surroundin­g a top security aide who roughed up protesters as a “storm in a teacup”, as furious criticism from his opponents showed no sign of abating.

The former bodyguard in question, 26-year-old Alexandre Benalla, denounced what he said was a “desire to get at the president” over the scandal, the most damaging since Macron took office over a year ago.

Benalla, who faces criminal charges after videos emerged of him manhandlin­g May Day demonstrat­ors in Paris while wearing a police helmet and armband, admitted, however, that he had “made a mistake”.

“I feel like I have done something really stupid. And have made a mistake,” Benalla, who has been charged with assault and impersonat­ing a police officer, told Le Monde newspaper.

“I should never have gone to that demonstrat­ion as an observer, then I should have held back,” he said of the incident, in which he was filmed hitting a protester and wrestling another to the ground.

Revelation­s that top officials in Macron’s office knew about the incident but did not report Benalla to prosecutor­s have prompted accusation­s of an attempted cover-up, which the government denies.

The centrist president sought to downplay the affair yesterday.

“I’ve said what I had to say, which is that I think it’s a storm in a teacup,” he told reporters on a visit to the village of Campan in southwest France. — AFP

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