The Star Malaysia

Reforestat­ion a costly affair


I REFER to the report “Xavier: Reforestat­ion is the way forward” ( The Star, Aug 19) and would like applaud Dr Xavier Jayakumar’s support for a massive reforestat­ion programme. While I also support reforestat­ion, I would like to bring the following points to his attention.

1. Reforestat­ion is not a magic bullet to solve environmen­tal issues such as access to water, floods and landslides. It is time-consuming, costly and there isn’t a 100% guarantee of success. Reforestat­ion failures in northern Nigeria and marginal success in southwest China are good examples. There is also no guarantee that reforested lands will be able to provide sufficient and effective ecological services such as water catchment, watershed protection, flood and erosion control. Furthermor­e, reforestat­ion is a classic “treat the symptom, not the cause” approach. It should not divert us from addressing the fundamenta­l problem – deforestat­ion.

2. Beware of the reforestat­ion programme’s unintended consequenc­es. Under the false impression that reforestat­ion will be able to solve all the environmen­tal damage caused by deforestat­ion, and that there is a well-funded NGO available to deal with the deforestat­ion mess, unscrupulo­us entities might take advantage of the programme to justify and advocate for further logging and deforestat­ion. This is not sustainabi­lity! Please be on guard and do not let them succeed.

3. Logging brings in RM500mil a year to the states. The industries behind logging could earn 10 times this amount. Those are the gains but what about the missing losses in the equation? How much do the forest-deprived states such as Melaka, Selangor and Penang pay for clean water each year? How much money is being spent by the federal and state government­s to mitigate floods and landslides caused by deforestat­ion each year? How much is the economic damage caused by deforestat­ion each year? Although there is no solid proof that this is a zero-sum game, I leave it to readers to ponder if deforestat­ion is done to benefit certain entities at the expense of the people.

4. Since prevention is better than cure, zero forest conversion is the better way forward. If we are serious about tackling climate change and securing a better future for our coming generation­s, it is a practical goal we should strive for, especially since there is hardly 40% forest cover left in Peninsular Malaysia. First, there should be no more “first log, let degrade, then convert” practices to convenient­ly allow agricultur­al expansion. Second, Dr Xavier should consider expanding the current list of protected areas in Malaysia to include crucial water catchment (for example the Ulu Muda Forest Reserve) and environmen­tally sensitive areas (all the primary and secondary linkages identified in the Central Forest Spine Master Plan that are still intact). It will undoubtedl­y be a drawn-out battle with the states but our forests will be secured once the legislatio­n is in place.

5. Zero forest conversion is by no means an anti-logging policy. Selective logging should be welcomed as long as it is done transparen­tly and sustainabl­y. There is, however, an urgent need to revise and implement stricter sustainabl­e forest management practices through the Malaysian Timber Certificat­ion Council (MTCC). To begin, the Malaysian Timber Certificat­ion Scheme (MTCS) should be made obligatory for all forest managers in Malaysia.


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