The Star Malaysia

A round of applause as Jakarta reach for the stars


JAKARTA, despite given only three years to get ready for the Asian Games, have certainly put up a good show.

One of the most densely populated cities on earth and fondly called “The Big Apple” by expatriate­s, Jakarta had only accepted the job to be the host for the 18th Asian Games after Vietnam pulled out citing economic difficulti­es in 2015.

But so far, they have done their best to welcome an estimated 17,000 athletes and officials as well as 5,000 media in attendance and pulled off a wonderful, colourful and energising opening ceremony.

Besides Jakarta, events are also taking place in Palembang and Bandung.

It is the second time Indonesia is hosting the Asiad since 1962 and the folks here have stepped up to the challenge so far.

From the time athletes arrived at the airport to the time they were whisked off to the respective sports arenas, there have been nothing but praise for the reception and assistance rendered.

Negotiatin­g the notorious traffic jams around the city is smoother due to the special lanes and strict measures limiting the number of cars on weekdays.

The government has also stepped up to lend their support to the Asiad from the start.

Loudspeake­rs in the capital’s shopping malls play patriotic songs including the theme song Meraih Bintang or Reach For The Stars by Via Vallen, which has racked up 8.1 million followers on Instagram.

Its dangdut tune with appealing lyrics is catchy indeed!

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, in his address on the eve of the Asian Games, called on all Indonesian­s to be gracious hosts and make the Asiad a success.

“Let us prove that Indonesia is ready to lift Asia’s position in the world,” he said.

President Joko himself received praises on social media for pulling off a cool stunt where he made his way to the opening ceremony last Saturday on a bike.

And he himself has been making his way to the various venues to lend his support to the athletes in compe- titions. There is a burst of national pride around the Asian Games, which is fanned by the good performanc­es of their athletes so far.

Indonesia are currently high up in the standings with sporting powerhouse­s China, Japan and South Korea.

Indonesia have already picked up six gold medals after the first three days of action.

As an Indonesian volunteer relates: “We are fiercely patriotic. This is a chance to come together and be Indonesian,” she said.


The writer is thrilled that Malaysia have joined neighbours Indonesia, Thailand, Philippine­s and Singapore in striking gold

 ??  ?? By LIM TEIK HUAT

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