The Star Malaysia

Moving forward together in unity and progress


WE will soon be celebratin­g our 61st Merdeka Day. Looking back, we must surely beam with pride witnessing the socio-economic progress which we have made together as a nation.

Together, we have demonstrat­ed that when guided by profound principles such as that of the Rukunegara, people of diverse background­s can achieve unparallel­ed success living and working together in harmony.

This year it is different, where for the first time since independen­ce, we witnessed a change in the federal government.

The Malaysian Consultati­ve Council of Buddhism, Christiani­ty, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) is proud and takes note of the fact that Malaysia is now a matured society, upholding democratic values and ready to adopt a two-party political system.

Commendabl­y, apart from living and working in harmony, we have also demonstrat­ed that political power can be transferre­d smoothly from one party to another. This is definitely a feather in everyone’s cap and for which we all deserve a pat on our backs.

The MCCBCHST thanks everyone for upholding peace and respect during crucial times and prays that such values will continuous­ly be upheld.

We have now entered an exciting period where a new government is in place.

We place high hopes that the new government will strongly uphold the principles of freedom, justice and equality as enshrined in our Federal Constituti­on, while immediate efforts are made to close any racial and religious polarisati­on gaps which may exist within our diversity.

Let’s continue to demonstrat­e to the world that “Malaysia is Truly Asia”. Selamat menyambut Hari Merdeka 2018!

Malaysian Consultati­ve Council of Buddhism, Christiani­ty, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism

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