The Star Malaysia

Beluga whale ‘swimming strongly’ in Thames estuary


GRAVESEND ( United Kingdom):

A beluga whale spotted in the River Thames estuary outside London –far from its natural Arctic habitat –is “swimming strongly and feeding normally”, Britain’s main animal protection charity said.

“At the moment, there are no major concerns for the welfare of the animal,” the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said in a statement, adding that the whale appeared “able to move fast in the water and dive”.

“Following our request to the London Coastguard, we are pleased that local boats have moved away. Whales have acute hearing and become stressed very easily,” the group said. The extremely rare sighting triggered excitement on Tuesday and the whale was spotted again in the same area on Wednesday.

Rob Lott, a marine mammal scientist at the Whale and Dolphin Conservati­on wildlife charity, said the cetacean was being monitored.

“The longer it stays in the Thames estuary then it will become more of a concern,” he told BBC radio.

“Hopefully instinct will soon kick in and the beluga will leave the estuary and go out into the North Sea and then head north where it should be,” the scientist explained.

The sight of a beluga whale so far south – 1,600km) from even Iceland – is exceptiona­l.

“Beluga whales are a species of the icy Arctic – finding one in the tepid Thames is an astonishin­gly rare event,” said Rod Downie, polar chief adviser at WWF, the World Wide Fund for Nature.

Lucy Babey, head of science and conservati­on at the marine conservati­on charity Orca, said it was the most southerly recording of a beluga in Britain, according to the BBC.

 ?? — Reuters ?? Rare sight: A Beluga whale swimming in the River Thames near Gravesend, east of London, Britain.
— Reuters Rare sight: A Beluga whale swimming in the River Thames near Gravesend, east of London, Britain.

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