The Star Malaysia

‘Durian farmers pay the price in the end’

NGOs: Forest clearing will harm industry


PETALING JAYA: Durian farmers are “shooting themselves in the foot” if they continue to clear forests for durian plantation­s, conservati­on groups said.

A total of 36 conservati­onists co-signed a statement, raising concerns over durian as the new monocultur­e crop driving further deforestat­ion and biodiversi­ty loss in Malaysia.

They said destroying wildlife habitats will reduce the number of durian fruit pollinator­s, which will directly influence the quantity and quality of the yield.

Rimba president Dr Sheema Abdul Aziz said the durian tree cannot self-pollinate and is dependent on wild animal pollinator­s.

She said research shows that the only truly efficient natural durian tree pollinator­s are fruit bats, especially the giant fruit bats known as flying foxes as well as cave nectar bats.

These bats are essential to the sustainabi­lity of the durian industry yet they are severely threatened by hunting and uncontroll­ed limestone quarrying, she said.

“Any further removal of their forest habitat and food resources will continue to reduce the effectiven­ess of their role in durian fruit production,” Dr Sheema, who is Malaysia’s sole flying fox ecologist, said.

She said insect pollinator­s like the Asian giant honey bee can serve as secondary pollinator­s in areas with no bat pollinator­s, but they are also highly dependent on a pristine rainforest habitat for survival.

“Destroying pollinator habitats and food resources in order to establish durian monocultur­e does not make good business sense.

“Companies that engage in this practice are prematurel­y destroying the very future profits that they hope to derive from their durian business,” she said.

“Farmers would have to invest extra time, labour and money to hand-pollinate their durian trees,” she added.

Beyond wildlife loss, Dr Sheema said the durian plantation expansion is also causing landslides in hillslope areas and is threatenin­g the livelihood­s and traditions of the orang asli communitie­s.

Rimba called on the Agricultur­e and Agrobased Industry Ministry, the wider durian industry and durian farmers to think longterm and pursue good agricultur­al practices that are sustainabl­e and contribute to healthy ecosystems.

“Suggested practices are to prioritise converting previously tended agricultur­al land to durian orchards rather than clearing native forest for durian farming, establishi­ng new durian plantings in appropriat­ely suited areas, avoiding pure monocrops by intercropp­ing with other fruit trees, and integratin­g low-impact and organic practices into pest and tree management,” she said.

“By ensuring the survival of these crucial pollinator communitie­s, this will also help to guarantee the long-term longevity and viability of our local durian industry,” she added.

This statement follows The Star’s exclusive report detailing how China’s demand for durian has led to widespread land clearing and open burning in the Hulu Sempam area in Raub.

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