The Star Malaysia

Data breach

Hacked diplomatic cables reveal Europe’s anxiety about Trump and others.


Brussels: Hackers apparently connected to China accessed thousands of sensitive European Union diplomatic cables, the New York Times reported, in the latest embarrassi­ng data breach to hit a major internatio­nal organisati­on.

The cables from the European Union’s diplomatic missions around the world reveal anxiety about how to handle US President Donald Trump as well as concerns about China, Russia and Iran.

The leak, discovered by cybersecur­ity firm Area 1, recalls the publicatio­n by Wikileaks of a vast haul of US State Department cables in 2010, though in the European Union case the trove is much smaller and consists of less secret communicat­ions, the Times reported yesterday.

In one cable, the European Union’s diplomatic mission in Moscow describes the controvers­ial summit in Helsinki in July between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin as “successful (at least for Putin)”.

Another gives a detailed account of a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, in which he rails against Trump’s trade tactics, saying the United States was “behaving as if it was fighting in a no-rules freestyle boxing match” and vowing not to give in to “bullying”.

There are extensive reports on the situation in Ukraine, where a conflict rumbles on between government forces and pro-Russian separatist­s, including a warning dating from February that Moscow may already have deployed nuclear warheads in Crimea, which it annexed in 2014.

The Times said that according to Area 1, the techniques used by the hackers over the course of three years were similar to those used by an elite Chinese military unit.

The hackers apparently gained access to the diplomatic communicat­ions network after a simple “phishing” campaign targeting European Union officials in Cyprus.

The hackers also infiltrate­d the networks of the United Nations, the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizati­ons, and some ministries.

Many of the cables are run-of-themill weekly reports from missions around the world, detailing conversati­ons with leaders and officials, the Times said.

More sensitive, classified communicat­ions are handled on a different, more secure system.

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