The Star Malaysia

Rejoice in this season of giving


I REFER to the article, “Zubedy: Xmas a good time to bond” ( Nation, The Star, Dec 21; online at tinyurl. com/star-bond).

I have always enjoyed Christmas even though, as a Sikh, I do not celebrate it.

As a child and the product of a Catholic school, I used to attend Bible class. As a young lad, on the eve of Christmas, I would join my many Christian friends at a church in town. I did this for several years.

I also sat for the subject of Scripture in the Senior Cambridge Examinatio­n and scored an A.

Once, a Christian reverend brother asked me, “Tell me, Singh, what impact has Christiani­ty had on you?”

I replied, “It has made me a better Sikh.”

And even today I know, “Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” (Charles M. Schulz.)

And that, “A Christmas candle is a lovely thing; / It makes no noise at all, / But softly gives itself away; / While quite unselfish, it grows small.” (Eva K. Logue.)

This in turn reminds me of Winston Churchill’s famous quote:

“We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.”

I know there is joy in giving. It is nicer to give than to take! So let us all rejoice in this season of giving. Cherish the giving moments in your own life and with all Malaysians.

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