The Star Malaysia

Wee to DAP: Stop using 1MDB as excuse to hide failures


PETALING JAYA: DAP cannot use the 1Malaysia Developmen­t Bhd (1MDB) issue as a “multi-purpose” excuse each time Pakatan Harapan runs into controvers­y, says MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong.

Dr Wee said DAP cannot use the issue when it has trouble justifying why it had betrayed its own principles and those who had supported them or by trying to divert people’s attention from its failure in fulfilling its promises.

“All of us can tell by now that 1MDB is DAP’s go-to issue when it needs to cover its own shortcomin­gs in administer­ing the country since taking over Putrajaya,” he said yesterday.

Dr Wee was responding to Lim Kit Siang’s accusation that he was one of the MCA leaders who allegedly aided and abetted former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak in the 1MDB scandal.

He also asked Kit Siang when would the Pakatan government recognise the Unified Examinatio­n Certificat­e (UEC) which DAP promised prior to GE14.

“Please don’t tell me that UEC cannot be recognised because of 1MDB.

“Is 1MDB the culprit that caused the fall in commodity prices?” he asked.

Dr Wee said Lim was also silent when Pakatan government U-turned on its decision to ratify the Internatio­nal Convention on the Eliminatio­n of All Forms of Racial Discrimina­tion.

“Was it 1MDB that stopped you from objecting to this U-turn?

“And what did you say when the Prime Minister declared that the objective of our country’s sovereign fund Khazanah was to uplift bumiputra only, while it was previously for all Malaysians?

“Was this shift in focus caused by 1MDB as well and was it 1MDB that kept you quiet about the government’s approval of the crooked bridge which you had vehemently opposed in the past,” he said.

Dr Wee said he had made his stance clear on 1MDB that the priority was to recover any money allegedly missing, develop 1MDB’s remaining assets and that all wrongdoers should be tried in the courts.

“Let the judicial system decide on their involvemen­t and punishment, if necessary.

“As stated in the fourth guiding principle of our Rukunnegar­a, we have to respect the rule of law,” he added.

“In fact, the same should also apply on Lim Guan Eng’s controvers­ial bungalow purchase.

“Just a few months into Pakatan’s rule, the prosecutio­n dropped the corruption charges against Guan Eng instead of letting the court decide his innocence,” he said, adding that it was a “shocking” decision for many, including Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and the Malaysian Anti- Corruption Commission.

“As for the Penang tunnel scandal, which happened during Guan Eng’s tenure as Penang chief minister, the concession company and the Penang government had confirmed several times that RM22mil was paid to certain parties in an attempt to stop corruption investigat­ions.

“What had happened to this case? Is paying tens of millions in bribes not a serious matter or a criminal matter?

“Does Kit Siang approve of such practices in paying tens of millions in bribes?” asked Dr Wee.

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