The Star Malaysia

No quick fix for US govt shutdown

Solution unlikely before Democrats take House


WASHINGTON: It is looking increasing­ly like the partial government shutdown will be handed off to a divided government to solve in the new year – the first big confrontat­ion between President Donald Trump and Democrats – as agreement eludes Washington in the waning days of the Republican monopoly on power.

Now nearly a week old, the impasse is idling hundreds of thousands of federal workers and beginning to pinch citizens who count on varied public services.

Gates are closed at some national parks, the government won’t issue new federal flood insurance policies and in New York, the chief judge of Manhattan federal courts suspended work on civil cases involving US government lawyers, including several civil lawsuits in which Trump himself is a defendant.

Congress is closing out the week without a resolution in sight over the issue holding up an agreement – Trump’s demand for money to build a border wall with Mexico and Democrats’ refusal to give him what he wants.

That sets up a struggle upfront when Democrats take control of the House on Jan 3. Trump has signalled that he welcomes the fight as he heads toward his own bid for re-election in 2020.

“This isn’t about the Wall,” he tweeted on Thursday. “This is only about the Dems not letting Donald Trump and the Republican­s have a win.”

He added that Democrats may be able to block him now, “but we have the issue, Border Security. 2020!”

With another long holiday weekend coming days before House Republican­s relinquish control, there is little expectatio­n of a quick fix.

Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi has vowed to pass legislatio­n as soon as she takes the gavel, which is expected when the new Congress convenes, to reopen the 15 shuttered department­s and dozens of agencies now hit by the partial shutdown.

“If they can’t do it before Jan 3, then we will do it,” said Rep Jim McGovern, D-Mass, incoming chairman of the Rules Committee.

“We’re going to do the responsibl­e thing. We’re going to behave like adults and do our job.”

But even that may be difficult without a compromise because the Senate will remain in Republican hands and Trump’s signature will be needed to turn any Bill into law.

Negotiatio­ns continue between Democrats and Republican­s on Capitol Hill, but there is only so much Congress can do without the president.

Trump is not budging, having panned Democratic offers to keep money at current levels – US$1.3bil (RM5.4bil) for border fencing, but not the wall.

Senate Republican­s approved that compromise in an earlier Bill with Democrats, but now say they won’t vote on any more unless something is agreed to by all sides, including Trump.

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