The Star Malaysia

‘Winning Camerons will affirm Pakatan’s grip on Pahang’


KUANTAN: Winning Cameron Highlands would ensure Pakatan Harapan’s capture of Pahang in the next general election, says DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.

He said Pakatan was now a stable coalition that could represent all of Malaysia.

“The opposition can only represent some states or groups.

“How can they help the people of Cameron Highlands when they cannot even help themselves,” he said at the launch of the Pakatan by-election operations centre in Cameron Highlands on Thursday night.

Lim, who is Finance Minister said the Pahang state government still requires assistance from the federal to be able to function.

“They (Barisan Nasional) have Pahang but what kind of state government is this?

“I don’t want to say it but they need help from the federal government.

“How do I know? Of course, I know for I am the Finance Minister,” he said.

Lim added that the by-election was a chance for Cameron Highlands voters to follow the changes that took place in the country during the 14th general election.

DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang said winning Cameron Highlands would be an opening salvo for Pakatan to win Pahang in the 15th general election.

“We not only want to be the government in Putrajaya but in Pahang as well.

“If we can become the state government, issues faced by the people of Cameron Highlands can be solved more easily.

“We will tell you what we intend to do in the coming two weeks,” he said.

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