The Star Malaysia

National emergency looms

Trump threatens to declare one if Democrats refuse his demands


WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump is edging closer to declaring a national emergency to fund his long-promised border wall, as pressure mounts to find an escape hatch from the three-week impasse that has closed parts of the government, leaving hundreds of thousands of workers without pay.

Some 800,000 workers, more than half of them still on the job, were to miss their first paycheck under the stoppage, andWashing­ton was close to setting a dubious record for the longest government shutdown in the nation’s history.

Those markers – along with growing effects to national parks, food inspection­s and the economy overall – left some Republican­s on Capitol Hill increasing­ly uncomfort- able with Trump’s demands.

Asked about the plight of those going without pay, the president shifted the focus, saying he felt badly “for people that have family members that have been killed” by criminals who came over the border.

Trump visited McAllen, Texas, and the Rio Grande on Thursday to highlight what he calls a crisis of drugs and crime.

He said that “if for any reason we don’t get this going” – an agreement with House Democrats who have refused to approve the US$5.7bil (RM23bil) he demands for the wall – “I will declare a national emergency”.

Trump was consulting with White House attorneys and allies about using presidenti­al emergency powers to take unilateral action to construct the wall over the objections of Congress.

He claimed his lawyers told him the action would withstand legal scrutiny “100%”.

Such a move to bypass Congress’ constituti­onal control of the nation’s purse strings would spark certain legal challenges and bipartisan cries of executive overreach.

“We’re either going to have a win, make a compromise – because I think a compromise is a win for everybody – or I will declare a national emergency,” Trump said before departing the White House for his politicall­y flavoured visit to the border.

It was not clear what a compro- mise might entail, and there were no indication­s that one was in the offing.

Trump says he won’t reopen the government without money for the wall.

Democrats say they favour measures to bolster border security but oppose the long, impregnabl­e barrier that Trump envisions.

Visiting a border patrol station in McAllen, Trump viewed tables piled with weapons and narcotics.

Like nearly all drugs trafficked across the border, they were intercepte­d by agents at official ports of entry, he was told, and not in the remote areas where he wants to extend tall barriers.

Still, he declared: “A wall works. ... Nothing like a wall.” — AP

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