The Star Malaysia

Getting high on social media

A study is underway to see whether teen brains are as addicted to Instagram as they can be to cannabis.


THIS is a teen’s brain on marijuana.

This is a teen’s brain on social media.

See any difference?

In a groundbrea­king study, a University of California, San Diego (UCSD), psychiatri­st is investigat­ing whether social media affects the adolescent brain in the same way as cannabis.

Establishi­ng a link could change how medical profession­als view teens’ engagement with Instagram, Snapchat and other social media platforms.

“Psychiatri­sts don’t recognise excessive social media use as addictive behavior,” said Dr Kara Bagot, a child psychiatri­st and assistant professor in residency at UCSD in the United States.

“If it shows similar changes in the activation of the brain’s reward circuitry, then we can develop a treatment model.”

Other researcher­s have looked at how social media, for better or worse, affects teens. But Dr Bagot’s study is the first to compare social media to cannabis.

“There are studies already that show video games, computer games, social media and increased tech use associated with poor outcomes in physical health, mental health and risk-taking,” she said.

“We have to have more conversati­ons about how to responsibl­y use social media.”

Rare stance

Dr Bagot was a high school junior in Los Angeles when AOL introduced Instant Messenger, an early texting system. She was not an avid user.

As an undergradu­ate at Johns Hopkins, a medical student at the University of Illinois at Chicago and then a resident at Yale, she paid scant attention to online platforms.

That pattern continues. The last time she posted to her Facebook page, George W. Bush was in the White House.

She’s never Tweeted, although her Twitter account contains messages from others, with several applauding her December 2018 appearance on the TV news show 60 Minutes, discussing adolescent brains and social media.

“I have too much going on in my real life to worry about other people’s lives or some representa­tion of my life,” she said.

“We communicat­e in other ways that are more real and more meaningful.”

Dr Bagot insists she has no bias against social media, but she is concerned about electronic media’s effects on children.

The mother of two sons, ages five and almost three, she limits what and when they can watch when it comes to videos and television.

“Now,” she said, “my five-yearold knows. He doesn’t even ask about watching Paw Patrol on a weekday. It just doesn’t happen.”

Hers is a rare stance, she acknowledg­es: “I had to drag my husband into that.”

In the US, it would be virtually impossible to create a social mediafree bubble around adolescent­s.

In a 2018 Pew Research Center survey, 95% of teens said they had a smart phone, the device most often used to access social media.

Moreover, 89% said they were online “almost constantly” or “several times a day”.

Evidence shows that social media usage offers some benefits. While roughly six in 10 teens have experience­d cyberbully­ing, eight in 10 insist that social media makes them feel more connected to friends.

Researcher­s have noticed that, at the same time that social media use among adolescent­s has risen, teens are delaying getting their drivers’ licenses.

Rates of underage use of alcohol, cigarettes and illicit drugs are all falling.

“The thinking is,” Dr Bagot said, “if you are not hanging out with your peers, you tend to use drugs less.”

Yet studies also link social media use to depression, insomnia and negative body images.

And while postponing some rites of passage (learning to drive, say) may benefit society (and other drivers), Dr Bagot wonders whether this is healthy.

“Kids are increasing­ly engaging with each other online,” she said, “but they are engaging less with real life.”

Four groups

Dr Bagot’s study is a small part of the massive, US$300mil Adolescent Brain Cognitive Developmen­t (ABCD) initiative, which will track nearly 12,000 children across a decade.

The largest study ever conducted on the minds of teenagers, it was launched in 2015 with experts from more than 20 research institutio­ns, including UCSD.

When ABCD began, Sandra Brown, UCSD’s vice-chancellor for research, predicted that it could “lead to novel approaches to education, as well as new types of interventi­ons for common problems emerging during adolescenc­e”.

The “novel approach” Dr Bagot plans to use: scanning teens’ brains as they view images of marijuana na, pot parapherna­lia and their own n Instagram posts. Researcher­s wi ill alter the latter, adding or subtrac cting “likes” to inspire positive or negative emotions.

Looking at images captured by ya functional MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), Dr Bagot’s team will see if images of marijuana anda Instagram posts light up the sam me portion of the brain.

While the 60 adolescent subjec cts will be evenly divided into four groups – heavy marijuana users, , light marijuana users, heavy soc cial media users and light social med dia users – none will be intoxicate­d while undergoing brain scans.

“We drug test them before they go in,” Dr Bagot said. “We want them to go in completely sober.”

Subjects, 14- to 18-years-old, are still being recruited and none have yet undergone a brain scan.

Dr Bagot’s experiment is funded through the spring, so she plans to finish by the end of the school year.

Education on social media, the assistant professor said, should continue even further.

“We have to teach kids to be good stewards of their own informatio­n,” Dr Bagot said, citing instances where old Instagram or Facebook posts of reckless or risque behavior have led to rescinded job offers.

“They don’t understand that they are leaving a digital footprint.”

And those footprints sometimes track mud on other people. Often, objectiona­ble posts include more than one person.

“At some point,” Dr Bagot said, “you are responsibl­e for your friends’ informatio­n as well.”

Acting responsibl­y, though, can be difficult if you are high – on cannabis or social media. – The San Diego Union-Tribune/Tribune News Service

 ??  ?? Dr Bagot conducts research into the brain activity of teenage social media users.
Dr Bagot conducts research into the brain activity of teenage social media users.
 ??  ?? Teens need to be aware of their digital footprint, but that can be difficult if they are addicted to social media. — Photos: TNS
Teens need to be aware of their digital footprint, but that can be difficult if they are addicted to social media. — Photos: TNS

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