The Star Malaysia

Police begin investigat­ing reports on insult to Prophet


A total of 929 police reports have been lodged over insults on Islam, Prophet Muhammad and his wife Siti Aisyah, said Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun.

The Inspector-General of Police said based on the reports, police opened 16 investigat­ion papers.

The four latest cases involved three Facebook users and another on Twitter.

“The first involves Facebook user Bakakuk who insulted Islam and the Prophet, with 15 police reports lodged against him.

“The suspect was arrested in Labuan on Sunday and is under remand to assist in investigat­ions,” he said in a statement.

The second case involved a 22-year-old, who made similar insults via Facebook account Ayea Yea.

“The youth was detained in Bau, Sarawak, on Monday, following 10 police reports lodged against him,” said the IGP.

He said police also arrested a 52-year-old man on the same day, over his comments on Islam via Facebook.

“We are in the midst of tracking down a man, aged 43, who insulted the Prophet via his Twitter account,” he said.

Mohamad Fuzi said all the cases would be investigat­ed under the Multimedia and Communicat­ions Act.

He urged the public not to misuse social media and other forms of communicat­ion to upload provocativ­e postings or touch on religious and racial sensitivit­ies.

“Such acts will spark tension among the people of various races and religions,” he said, adding that police would take stern action against the culprits.

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