The Star Malaysia

Hoping Azmi remains true to his principles

- CPL Metro Manila

I WAS travelling last week and have not been reading The Star through my usual reader since Feb 23.

It was only when I got back to Metro Manila a few days ago that I was able to have a glance at The Star, and found Azmi Sharom’s “farewell” article in his “Brave New World” column. I had to take a second look and felt it a bit hard to believe and accept. It was also somewhat heart-wrenching.

But I finally had to accept that one of my favourite columnists is leaving for another adventure in his life.

As a proud Penangite, I’m happy that a fellow Penangite has been able to share his many thought-provoking views and efforts to enlighten readers (at least for me) on the what-how-and-why of the issues at hand through his witty and sometimes sarcastic words. I have been “educated” in a lot of ways, although I didn’t always understand fully but atleastItr­iedtocompr­ehendas much as I could. His column has always been an interestin­g read for me although I felt sometimes that the articles were too short.

Anyway, I hope Azmi’s new position with the Election Commission will pose more challenges for him. As the saying goes, “if there’s no challenge, there’s no change” – change for the better, that is. I hope he’ll remain true and unwavering in his principles to create a just, fair and equal society. May the force be with him, always!

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