The Star Malaysia

Fattah lodges police report against business partner


ACTOR Fattah Amin has lodged a police report against his MRP Internatio­nal Sdn Bhd business partner for refusing to allow him to examine the company’s financial statements, Utusan Malaysia reported.

Fattah said he had to resort to such an action after stockists of the health food producer accused him of not promoting the products.

He added that he did not conspire or even intend to cheat the stockists, saying he was saddened that the issue had sullied his name.

“The agents started talking about this on my social media accounts last year,” he said.

“I felt guilty about what happened to them. My name was also tarnished, which is why I am here now to explain.

“On Feb 13, my lawyer sent a notice to my business partner asking that I be allowed to look at the company’s financial statements and to conduct an audit of the company.

“There has been no reply to date,” he said, adding that he lodged a police report on March 8.

> Syndicates are using Facebook as a platform to sell babies, Sinar Harian reported.

The daily said its investigat­ion found that the baby-selling promotions and negotiatio­ns were done openly on the social networking site.

It said that more than a year ago, a Facebook group had claimed it made 149 such transactio­ns.

The investigat­ion also claimed that by merely searching under the keywords “adopted child” on Facebook, five related groups would pop up.

It said most of the members of the group Pencarian Anak Angkat were couples who had long been childless.

However, it pointed out that such advertisem­ents contravene­d Section 26 of the Adoption Act 1952.

It said that in another group Kami Mencari Anak Angkat, a WhatsApp conversati­on that was shared had an individual asking for a hospital deposit from various people.

Some payments even reached RM5,000, supposedly for confinemen­t expenses and the birth mother to start a new life, the report added.

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