The Star Malaysia

A consensus of opinions in court


UNANIMITY, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, “is a state or quality of being unanimous; a consensus or undivided opinion.”

The Cambridge English Dictionary has similar definition.

Recent allegation­s have been made against former top judges of interferin­g with the late Karpal Singh’s criminal appeal. What happened was that on Feb 21, 2014, the High Court found Karpal guilty of sedition in respect of comments made by him on the prerogativ­e of rulers within the context of the 2009 Perak Constituti­onal Crisis. He was fined RM4,000.

Karpal appealed to the Court of Appeal. On Nov 10, 2014, the Court of Appeal in a 2-1 decision upheld the conviction but reduced the fine to RM1,800.

On Feb 14 this year, Court of Appeal judge Datuk Dr Hamid Sultan Abu Backer made allegation­s of interferen­ce with the decision on that case. My aim here is not to argue whether or not there was interferen­ce but to shed some light on a little known feature which is of grave importance in dispensing justice.

Section 62(2) of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964 (CJA) reads: “In criminal appeals and matters the Court of Appeal shall ordinarily give only one judgment, which may be pronounced by the President or by such other member of the Court of Appeal as the President may direct: Provided that separate judgments shall be delivered if the President so determines.”

According to Section 3 of the CJA, “decision” means “judgment, sentence or order”. So, reading it the other way around, “judgment” means “decision”. Therefore, if we substitute the word “judgment” with “decision” in Section 62(2), it would read as follows: “In criminal appeals and matters the Court of Appeal shall ordinarily give only one ‘decision’, which may be pronounced by the President or by such other member of the Court of Appeal as the President may direct: Provided that separate ‘decision’(s) shall be delivered if the President so determines.”

If we take the above approach, it is clear that Section 62(2) envisages that the Court of Appeal ordinarily pronounces one decision in criminal appeals. In other words, the Court must be unanimous.

The exception would be where the panel of the Court of Appeal refers to the President of the Court of Appeal who determines whether separate judgments should be delivered.

The US Supreme Court arrives at unanimity in many instances. Observers and writers suggest this is the result of comity.

At this juncture, it is worth mentioning at least two points:

1. There is a like provision in respect of the Federal Court. Section 94 requires the judgment of the Federal Court in criminal appeals to be unanimous unless the Chief Justice determines that separate judgments should be delivered; and

2. The provision requiring unanimous judgments in criminal appeals (be it the Court of Appeal or the Federal Court) is far from new. The predecesso­r to the CJA is the Courts Ordinance 1948. Section 31 of the 1948 Ordinance was worded in similar terms as Section 62(2) of the CJA. When Parliament repealed the Courts Ordinance 1948 and replaced it with the CJA in 1964, it was explained that the CJA was based on existing legislatio­n (meaning the Courts Ordinance 1948). The intention was to maintain unanimity in criminal judgments as far as possible.

Malaysia is not the only jurisdicti­on with a provision like Section 62(2) of the CJA. Singapore, England and Wales, South Australia, Fiji, and Uganda are some examples of jurisdicti­ons with written law requiring decisions in criminal appeals to be unanimous as far as the presiding judge may determine. In fact, in Ireland, its Courts of Justice Act 1924 does not even permit any separate judgments whatsoever in criminal appeals.

We do not have any judicial decision in Malaysia explaining the rationale for requiring unanimity. However, referring to decisions and scholarly writings from other jurisdicti­ons, the rationale becomes apparent.

In R v Howe (1987) 1 AC 417, Lord Griffiths (page 438) said as follows: “as a general rule, I support the view that in criminal appeals to this House it is desirable wherever possible to have on speech, so that the judges and practition­ers may turn to one source for authoritat­ive guidance. Clarity, certainty and, wherever possible, simplicity are invaluable attributes of the criminal law which must be understood by laymen.”

The Courts in Singapore adopted the same rationale, as can be gleaned from the decision of its Court of Appeal in Muhammad bin Kadar v Public Prosecutor (2011) 4 SLR 791 (paragraphs 6-7). The same is true of Uganda. See the judgment of its Supreme Court in Komakech Geoffrey & Ors v Rose Okullo (Unreported) page 7.

Certainty and clarity aside, the other reason for requiring a single judgment appears to be premised on fairness. According to Justice Michael Kirby in his article Judicial Dissent – Common Law and Civil Law Traditions: “(I)n the English Divisional Court, dissenting opinions are not usually given in criminal appeals against conviction or sentence. The reasons for this tradition are obscure. Presumably, it is justified by the feeling that an unsuccessf­ul prisoner should not be upset by knowing that one judge saw merit in the appeal. Likewise, a successful prisoner should not be upset by any doubt cast on his or her success (and possibly an order of acquittal) by the opinion of a judge who disagreed and thought the prisoner should remain locked up.”

Among these allegation­s of judicial interferen­ce, one needs first to be fully aware of the nature of our criminal justice system. The law, not just in Malaysia but so too in many other jurisdicti­ons, requires that appellate criminal judgments be uniform as far as possible. This is to ensure that there is clarity and certainty in the law; and that split decisions do not adversely affect public confidence in the Judiciary, i.e. that had the accused been before a different bench, the verdict might have been different.

As matters stand, the allegation­s that a top judge actively interfered with the Karpal verdict remain just that. Proof must be put on the table, and the law expressly requires members of the Court of Appeal to consult the President in the event of a split decision.

The public should keep abreast of this technicali­ty in the law rather than be awed or easily swept away by allegation­s of interferen­ce.

I would like to add in support of what was written in the New York Law Journal of Jan 23, 2019, that “there are several important questions a judge contemplat­ing a dissent must deal with.”

Richard Andrai, a Criminal Court Judge and an elected Supreme Court Justice warned: “If one is constantly a lone dissenter, it may be time to step back and take stock.”

DATUK SYED AHMAD IDID Former Justice of the High Courts of Malaya and Borneo

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