The Star Malaysia

Woman gets eight years for stabbing hubby’s girlfriend during threesome


SIBU: A dishwasher has been sentenced to eight years jail for stabbing her husband’s girlfriend in her private parts during a threesome gone wrong.

Ting Hai Hua, 46, was sentenced at the Sessions Court after she pleaded guilty to voluntaril­y causing hurt with a dangerous weapon.

Her husband, 29-year-old Maram Lebang, was sentenced to seven months’ jail after he pleaded guilty at a magistrate’s court here to a charge of enticing the victim to have sex with him, even though he knew that she was married with four children.

He also knew her husband is working in the Solomon Islands.

According to the charge sheet, Ting had used a knife to stab the 34-year old victim in the couple’s rented room in Lajang Lane at about 9.30pm on March 24.

Ting had earlier asked Maram, an assistant lorry driver, to bring the victim to their room to discuss their three-way relationsh­ip.

She had promised not to cause any trouble if he asked the victim, a council market cleaner, to come over.

Only Maram was drinking alcohol and all three seemed happy before they agreed to have sex.

After the couple had sex, Ting told Maram that she wanted to go to the toilet to ease herself.

The man continued to have sex with the victim before Ting returned with a knife and attacked the victim who started screaming and bleeding profusely.

During mitigation, Ting pleaded for leniency. She told the court that she had lost her mind during the incident because she loved her husband and was afraid he would leave her.

The couple has no children from their seven years of marriage.

Justice Stella Augustine Druce in passing the sentence took into considerat­ion that Ting had saved the court time and expense by pleading guilty and that she had no previous conviction.

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