The Star Malaysia

Constructi­on binge moves to Americas

Washington alarmed over China ambitions


PANAMA CITY: China’s expansion in Latin America of its Belt and Road initiative to build ports and other trade-related facilities is stirring alarm in Washington over Beijing’s ambitions in a region that American leaders since the 19th century have seen as off-limits to other powers.

China is hardly a newcomer to the region, but now it’s focusing on countries in Central America such as Panama.

It’s a country of just four million people but its canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific oceans makes it one of the world’s busiest trade arteries and strategica­lly important both to Washington and Beijing.

As American officials express alarm at Beijing’s ambitions in the US-dominated Western Hemisphere, China has launched a charm offensive, wooing Panamanian politician­s, profession­als and journalist­s.

The Chinese ambassador, a Spanish-speaking Latin American veteran, has been talking up the benefits of Belt and Road on TV and Twitter. Beijing has flown profession­als and journalist­s on junkets to China. It seems to be paying off.

“We see a big opportunit­y to connect Asia and America to Panama,” Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela said during a visit to Hong Kong this week.

He is due to attend a “Belt and Road” forum in Beijing with other foreign leaders this month, according to the Chinese government.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s signature foreign initiative, Belt and Road is building railways, ports, power plants and other projects in dozens of countries around the globe.

But the US, Japan, Russia, India and other government­s fret that Beijing is gaining economic

A strong US reaction, whether it is obvious in public or not, is coming.

Matt Ferchen

and strategic influence at their expense.

“A strong US reaction, whether it is obvious in public or not, is coming,” said Matt Ferchen, an expert on China-Latin America relations at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center in Beijing.

Panama’s leaders see China as a source of trade and investment but want to avoid conflict with Washington.

Varela has said Panama’s relationsh­ip with China “will not affect relations with our strategic partner.”

Belt and Road is building on multibilli­on dollar deals for loans and investment­s in oil and mining in South America that Beijing made beginning in the 1990s.

Venezuela has received US$62bil (RM253bil) in Chinese loans. Brazil owes US$42bil (RM171bil) and Argentina US$18bil (RM73bil). Ecuador has borrowed US$17bil (RM69bil).

Mexican President Manuel Andres Lopez Obrador has said he is considerin­g joining Belt and Road.

That would give it a foothold in a country bordering the US.

In the Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago agreed last May to take part. In September, a state-owned Chinese company was awarded a contract to build a dry dock.

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