The Star Malaysia

Protesters voice their discontent

- By CLARISSA CHUNG clarissach­

KUALA LUMPUR: A peaceful rally to “defend the sovereignt­y of Islam” was held here with its participan­ts voicing their discontent over matters linked to religion and the royalty.

Known as the 405 rally, the protesters highlighte­d issues such as Rome Statute, the Internatio­nal Convention on the Eliminatio­n of All Forms of Racial Discrimina­tion, the Unified Examinatio­n Certificat­e, and the death of fireman Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim.

Umno Youth chief Datuk Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki spoke out against the alleged inaction in bringing justice for Muhammad Adib who died last December during riots in a temple in Subang Jaya, Selangor.

“Today (May 4) is World Firefighte­rs’ Day, and today we remember him (Muhammad Adib),” he said to the crowd yesterday.

The rally, he said, marked a historical event in which protesters were defending the Federal Constituti­on and the institutio­n of the monarchy.

He also called for Attorney General Tommy Thomas to step down, claiming that he had failed to defend the monarchy.

The rally-goers held banners which, among others, carried messages such as “TMJ’s voice, the people’s voice” and “the rakyat is with TMJ”, in reference to Johor Crown Prince Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim.

PAS deputy president Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man urged rallygoers to continue fighting the threat against Islam in the country.

The gathering, he said, served as

Our gathering ... is meant to unite Muslims and establish harmony in the country. Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man

a “warning and a reminder” to not sideline the Muslims and Malays.

“Our gathering, in conjunctio­n with the start of the Ramadan fasting month, is meant to unite Muslims and establish harmony in the country,” he said.

He urged certain parties not to underestim­ate the strength of the Muslims and not to take advantage of them.

The leaders from Umno and PAS managed to finish their speeches before the rally dispersed due to heavy downpour.

There was a large turnout at the gathering, which had to be cut short due to the rain.

They dispersed at 3.30pm – one and a half hour earlier than planned – but rally organisers vowed that there would be more gatherings in the future.

The rally started from 2pm, with participan­ts marching from Masjid Jamek to the Sogo shopping complex.

It was organised by the Gerakan Pembela Ummah and several NGOs.

 ??  ?? Taking to the streets: An aerial view showing protesters gathering in Kuala Lumpur.
Taking to the streets: An aerial view showing protesters gathering in Kuala Lumpur.

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