The Star Malaysia

Survey: No top marks for Pakatan in its first year


KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Harapan, which swept to power on May 9 last year, was given a “Fail” grade for its overall performanc­e as it approaches its first year in leading the government.

Gerakan president Datuk Dr Dominic Lau, who presented a survey report on Pakatan’s delivery during the coalition’s first year, said the government’s effort to keep to its promises in its GE14 election manifesto was nothing but “a disaster”.

The study was based on feedback it received via surveys and interviews with 1,200 Malaysians in the first quarter of this year.

“Out of 60 promises in Pakatan’s manifesto, only seven or 11.7% were deemed positive, 14 (23.3%) garnered mixed reactions while a whopping 39 (65%) were given negative scores.

“Numerous U-turns, over-promising and breaking of promises by the government have earned it a generally negative report card from the people,” he said at the party’s headquarte­rs here yesterday.

Lau said Pakatan scored the worst in its promise to “bring institutio­nal and political reform”, one of the five main pillars in its manifesto.

He also noted that Pakatan’s handling of pollution and environmen­tal issues had greatly contribute­d to its bad rating.

Lau also criticised Pakatan’s move to introduce several new taxes to make up for the revenue lost through the now-abolished Goods and Services Tax (GST).

“This move shows the government’s desperatio­n to cover up this self-made revenue deficit,” he said.

However, Lau pointed out that some of the delivered promises earned them recognitio­n from the ground, including the introducti­on of EPF contributi­ons to housewives, increasing affordable housing, fighting crime and social ills, establishi­ng a Consultati­ve Council for People’s Harmony, and making Malaysia known for its integrity and not corruption.

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak political analyst Assoc Prof Dr Jeniri Amir said Gerakan’s findings reflect Malaysians’ dissatisfa­ction over Pakatan’s first outing as government, especially where the fulfilling of several promises was concerned.

“There is now a trust deficit among the people. It failed to fulfil promises like lowering the cost of living.

“Although GST was abolished, it was replaced with the Sales and Service Tax and people still feel the pinch,” he said.

On Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad rating his Cabinet 5/10, Jeniri interprete­d it as an honest admission of his team’s mediocre performanc­e.

He said it was time for Pakatan to study what went wrong in its first year as the government, start improving and moving forward, instead of pointing fingers at Barisan Nasional.

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