The Star Malaysia

Reforms yet to fully take off

- DING JO-ANN Kuala Lumpur (The writer is a lawyer and was part of the legal support team on the Institutio­nal Reforms Committee)

A YEAR ago, Malaysia ushered in the Pakatan Harapan government with much hope and expectatio­ns. The new government was elected by the people on the back of promises of human rights and institutio­nal reform. After decades of abuse of power and the use of repressive laws by the former government to silence its critics, I expected Pakatan to use the best opportunit­y we have ever had to transform Malaysia into a more democratic country that respects human rights and possesses strong, accountabl­e and transparen­t institutio­ns.

I was heartened to see progressiv­e appointmen­ts made to head key institutio­ns such as the Election Commission, Parliament and the Judiciary, and these institutio­ns have started to make reforms in the right direction.

I also welcomed the government’s swift action to repeal the Anti Fake News Act (unfortunat­ely thwarted at the Senate stage). I applauded the Cabinet’s decision to abolish the death penalty in all its forms.

And I cheered when our Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad announced in New York that Malaysia would ratify all the remaining internatio­nal human rights treaties.

Over the last few months, however, I have observed with growing dismay the stagnation of the promised reforms. I wish to highlight in particular:

1. The backtracki­ng on the decision to ratify the Internatio­nal Convention on the Eliminatio­n of All Forms of Racial Discrimina­tion (Icerd);

2. The announceme­nt that instead of the total abolition of the death penalty, only the mandatory death penalty would be removed (which has yet to happen);

3. The embarrassi­ng announceme­nt of our intention to withdraw from the Rome Statute of the Internatio­nal Criminal Court barely a month after we had acceded to it;

4. The proposed Bill on the National Security Council Act which amends the Act rather than repealing it, as promised in the Pakatan manifesto, and, worse, introduces amendments that make it even more far-reaching than before; and

5. The alarming mixed messages on child marriage that were expressed by members of the government and the delay in imposing a minimum age of 18 for marriage.

I have also seen the government prevaricat­e on the abolition of repressive laws such as the Sedition Act, Prevention of Crime Act and Printing Presses and Publicatio­ns Act. These were Acts that Pakatan promised to abolish in its manifesto, along with draconian provisions in the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act, the Communicat­ions and Multimedia Act and the Prevention of Terrorism Act.

The government has also not set up the much-needed Independen­t Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) despite repeated announceme­nts that it would be done.

Instead of reviewing the Official Secrets Act and enacting a Freedom of Informatio­n Act as promised, the government even made secret the Council of Eminent Persons’ report, and has yet to disclose the Institutio­nal Reforms Committee report, which was meant to provide a roadmap for the reforms that are needed in the country.

In the last few years of Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s administra­tion, we saw how our institutio­ns were unable to hold him accountabl­e for his actions. Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail was sacked in 2015 after being part of a task force investigat­ing the 1MDB financial scandal. The next Attorney General, Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali, cleared Najib of any wrongdoing and reportedly refused to authorise requests for mutual legal assistance so that MACC investigat­ions into the 1MDB money trail could continue abroad.

MACC officers who were investigat­ing Najib were questioned by police and transferre­d, and the Commission later confirmed his assertion that the RM2.6bil in his bank account was from donations.

The Home Ministry suspended the licence of The Edge that had exposed the 1MDB scandal. The Malaysian Communicat­ions and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) blocked The Malaysian Insider that was carrying similar stories.

The Auditor-General’s report on 1MDB was classified as secret under the Official Secrets Act.

The Election Commission conducted a redelineat­ion process that was unabashedl­y in favour of the ruling party.

As a result, billions of ringgit have allegedly been siphoned from our country’s coffers, to the detriment of all Malaysians.

We must never again be put in this situation where our democratic institutio­ns can be manipulate­d to prop up a leader who has lost the confidence and trust of the nation. The institutio­nal changes and structural reforms to prevent this must begin now, while there is the opportunit­y to do so.

Progressiv­e appointmen­ts are not sufficient, as these can be reversed easily by a new prime minister or government. The institutio­ns themselves must be revamped and made more independen­t, accountabl­e and transparen­t.

I believe that this government stood for change and hope when it ran in May 2018 – a change from the corrupt ways of the past, and hope for the future by reforming our institutio­ns and ensuring that the abuses of the past can never take place again.

I do not know whether we will ever have this opportunit­y again to reform our nation’s institutio­ns. We must dismantle all the tools of authoritar­ianism and put our country on a solid democratic footing now so that no matter who is in power, there will be sufficient checks and balances to keep them accountabl­e.

I know that some of these reforms may not seem popular with certain groups of people, but I believe that the electorate will respect a government that keeps to its word and, conversely, will disrespect one that gives in to bullies.

I acknowledg­e that economic conditions must have a priority, but I would like to remind the government that institutio­nal and human rights reforms must have prime importance as well, as it is our future that is at stake.

I know that Pakatan is understand­ably concerned about losing power in the next general election. But wouldn’t it then be safer to put in place the necessary institutio­nal and structural changes now to safeguard our democracy in case it does lose power, rather than not?

Despite this year’s disappoint­ments, I still believe and hope that Pakatan will be able to effect the changes necessary to make Malaysia a truly democratic nation.

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