The Star Malaysia

Pompeo seeks to win over Britain on Iran and Huawei


LONDON: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in London on a delicate mission aimed at convincing Washington’s crucial European ally to back its tough stances on Iran and China.

The former CIA chief flew into London yesterday after aborting his tour of Europe – he was meant to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on Tuesday – and paying an unannounce­d visit to Iraq.

Pompeo said his change of plans was prompted by Iran’s intention to stage “imminent” attacks on US interests in the Middle East.

US President Donald Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign against its arch-foe has included a decision to send an aircraft carrier strike group with several nuclear-capable B-52 bombers to the Middle East.

Iran responded yesterday by warning that it will stop respecting limits on its nuclear activities agreed under a landmark 2015 deal unless other powers help Teheran bypass US economic sanctions.

Those powers include Britain – a co-signee of the pact that has historic energy interests in Iran it was forced to break under pressure from Trump.

Washington’s European partners fear that the Trump administra­tion is edging towards a war with Iran aimed at resolving the sides’ long-running nuclear dispute.

The United States pulled out of the deal last May because it was time-limited and failed to address Iran’s rocket and missile technology developmen­t.

Pompeo’s visit was already promising to be a difficult one because of the sides’ diverging views on the safety of using China’s Huawei telecommun­ications giant in the world’s next-generation 5G networks.

His meetings with Prime Minister Theresa May and Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt come just weeks before London is expected to make a final decision on whether to rely on the mammoth Chinese firm.

May fired her defence minister last week over a leak from a UK National Security Council meeting that allegedly settled on using Huawei in “non-core” elements of the advanced technology.

The United States opposes Huawei’s involvemen­t because of the firm’s obligation under Chinese law to help its home government gather intelligen­ce or provide other security services.

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