The Star Malaysia

Transmissi­on failure

Philippine­s president Rodrigo Duterte recently revealed that he has myasthenia gravis, a condition where nerve signals fail to be transmitte­d to the muscles.


THE phrase “transmissi­on failure” is commonly related to motor vehicles, but what happens when a “transmissi­on failure” occurs in the human body?

Myasthenia gravis is an antibody-mediated disease, caused by a failure of impulse transmissi­on from nerve endings to the muscle, making the muscle weak and easily tired.

The word “myasthenia” itself means “muscular weakness”.

Although there is a lack of recent local data, Japanese and Hong Kong studies have shown that the number of new cases detected are about five per year in a population of one million.

However, a recent Korean study reported that there is an increase in the number of cases of patients with myasthenia gravis, particular­ly among elderly men.

As mentioned earlier, myasthenia gravis is caused by an “error” in nerve impulse transmissi­on to the muscle.

The “error” is due to the presence of an antibody attacking the acetylchol­ine receptors located on the surface of the muscle cells.

Acetylchol­ine is the neurotrans­mitter used at neuromuscu­lar junctions, i.e. it is used to transmit signals from the nerves to the muscles.

The antibody blocks acetylchol­ine from acting on its receptors, thus preventing muscle contractio­n.

Repeatedly-blocked impulses can lead to muscle weakness as the muscles are not being used.

The thymus gland, which is located behind the breastbone, has been linked to the regulation of this antibody.

It has been found to be abnormally large in the majority of young patients with myasthenia gravis, with a tumour called thymoma detected in one out of 10 patients.

The disease can start at any age, but it occurs most frequently at ages 20 to 30 in young women and between the age of 50 and 60 in men.

Not many people know that older people are particular­ly prone to myasthenia gravis, especially men, and many have been misdiagnos­ed with various other ailments due to low awareness of this condition and relatively non-specific symptoms.

There are two types of myasthenia gravis: a localised form called ocular myasthenia and a generalise­d form.

With ocular myasthenia, the disease is limited to the muscles around the eyes and rarely spreads to other muscles after three years.

In the generalise­d form, the disease can spread to involve muscles around the shoulders and hips, as well as muscles that control speech, swallowing and breathing.

Symptoms and tests

As the initial symptoms involve the face and throat muscles, the most common symptoms that are noticed first are the drooping of either eyelids or double vision. Drooping of the eyelid usually affects one side first, before the other.

If the muscles in the limbs are affected as well, even simple tasks such as combing hair or hanging laundry, will become difficult.

In addition, if it were to spread to the muscles controllin­g swallowing, patients may find their ability to chew and eat affected.

Speech may also be impaired with the voice becoming slurred, while facial expression­s may change and be reduced.

However, the degree of weakness varies among individual­s.

Neverthele­ss, patients often find their symptoms worse after exertion and in the evening.

As the muscle weakness improves with rest, one may find their symptoms fluctuatin­g with both “good times” and “bad times”.

In other words, the symptoms come and go, but typically worsen with continuous activity or usage of the affected muscles.

There are several tests that can help confirm a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis:

● Ice pack test

Your doctor puts a bag of ice on the affected droopy eyelid.

After at least two minutes, your eyelid is checked for any improvemen­t – if there is any, it is considered positive for myasthenia gravis.

● Blood test

One of the easiest ways to diagnose myasthenia gravis is by the detection of the abnormal antibodies, i.e. acetylchol­ine receptor and muscle-specific kinase antibodies, in the blood.

A positive test, together with fitting symptoms and signs, confirms the diagnosis.

● Neurophysi­ological testing

This testing includes repetitive nerve stimulatio­n (RNS) and single fibre electromyo­graphy (SFEMG).

In RNS, the doctor attaches sticky electrodes on certain parts of the body to record nerve responses.

This is done by producing repetitive small pulses of electricit­y aimed at detecting any reduction in signal, which can be seen in myasthenia gravis.

An SFEMG test would involve sticking a very small needle around the eyes.

Signals are recorded either by slight contractio­n of the eyes muscles or by giving small pulses of electricit­y.

Studies have shown that SFEMG is the most sensitive test in detecting nerve transmissi­on failure, especially in cases where other tests fail to show abnormalit­ies.

● Chest imaging

As myasthenia gravis is associated with an abnormal thymus gland, your doctor would arrange a CT (computed tomography) scan of your chest to detect this.

Symptomati­c treatment

There is no cure for myasthenia gravis, but depending on the type, various treatments are available to minimise the symptoms.

They are divided into symptomati­c treatment, medication to suppress the immune system and surgery, and include:

● Pyridostig­mine

The first medication doctors will usually prescribe is pyridostig­mine.

This tablet helps by increasing the availabili­ty of acetylchol­ine to the receptors on the muscle cells.

Common side effects are stomach cramps and diarrhoea, which can be easily treated with anti-spasmodic medication­s.

● Steroids

If weakness is still limiting your daily function despite taking pyridostig­mine, your doctor may suggest steroid tablets such as prednisolo­ne.

Steroid medication­s reduce the response of the harmful antibodies, hence, improving the muscle fatigue and weakness.

You will be advised to start the steroid tablets at a low dose in the clinic.

Any higher dosage will depend on your body weight.

Once your symptoms are controlled, the steroid medication will be reduced to the lowest effective dose by your doctor.

One has to be aware that the long-term use of steroids may bring about many adverse effects such as weight gain, acne, diabetes, thinning of bones and poor wound healing.

● Immunosupp­ressants

These are medication­s that may be prescribed by your doctor to reduce your dependence on steroids and their undesirabl­e side effects.

One of the most commonly used immunosupr­essants is azathiopri­ne. However, it may take months to work.

Common side effects are abnormal liver test results and reduced cell counts.

● Surgery

If you are found to have a thymoma, you will be strongly advised to have the tumour removed.

It has a high risk of turning aggressive, leading to invasion of the surroundin­g structures.

Even if the tumour is not present, surgery is offered, in particular to young patients with positive acetylchol­ine antibody levels.

Recent studies have shown that surgery has definite long-term benefits in symptom control.

Thymus surgery can be performed via open surgery or keyhole surgery.

Open surgery involves splitting the breastbone to remove the thymus.

The keyhole method, on the other hand, involves a few small incisions made in the neck and chest, so that a small camera and instrument­s can be passed through to remove the gland.

Your surgeon may also give you immunoglob­ulin prior to the surgery to prevent any worsening of your myasthenic symptoms.

When your symptoms severely affect your swallowing and breathing, you are in myasthenic crisis, meaning that you need immediate attention and treatment.

Certain conditions such as stress, surgery, infection and rapid change in treatment regime may tip your previously well-controlled myasthenic symptoms into crisis.

Emergency treatment in this situation involves giving intravenou­s immunoglob­ulin (IV Ig) or plasma exchange.

IV Ig is extracted from donated blood and is able to alter undesirabl­e immune responses.

Plasma exchange is a method in which blood is filtered through an external machine to remove harmful antibodies.

The exchange would require a catheter to be inserted in the large vein in the neck or the groin.

Lifestyle changes

Some of the lifestyle changes patients can make to alleviate their condition include:

● Sleep well, eat well

I encourage my patients to have regular meals, a balanced diet, and more importantl­y, adequate sleep.

Many patients also find relaxation therapy like tai chi and mindfulnes­s exercises helpful.

● Inform doctors you see of your condition

There are more than 30 drugs that can make myasthenic symptoms worse.

Some of the commonly-used ones are antibiotic­s such as azithromyc­in and ciprofloxa­cin, and high blood pressure (hypertensi­on) medication like beta-blockers.

● Wear sunglasses

Myasthenic symptoms can become worse in warm situations.

If your droopy eyelids are troublesom­e under the sun, wearing sunglasses may help.

● Plan your pregnancy

Most immunosupp­ressants are potentiall­y harmful to an unborn child, hence, women with myasthenia gravis need to talk to their doctors and come up with a plan before contemplat­ing pregnancy.

Pyridostig­mine and steroids can be used safely in pregnancy.

● Be moderate in activity

Don’t exert yourself too much. Accept that living with myasthenia gravis means that there will be good days and bad days.

You don’t have to completely avoid exercising though.

Just start slow and gradually build up your stamina according to your tolerance. Dr Kok Chin Yong is a consultant neurologis­t. For more informatio­n, email The informatio­n provided is for educationa­l purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice.

The Star does not give any warranty on accuracy, completene­ss, functional­ity, usefulness or other assurances as to the content appearing in this column. The Star disclaims all responsibi­lity for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such informatio­n.

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 ?? — ?? myasthenia gravis occurs most commonly in women in their 20s, as well as men in their 60s, resulting in muscle weakness that might require the use of a wheelchair.
— myasthenia gravis occurs most commonly in women in their 20s, as well as men in their 60s, resulting in muscle weakness that might require the use of a wheelchair.

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