The Star Malaysia

Follow orders or risk removal of microphone, MPs warned


DEWAN Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof has warned Members of Parliament that their microphone­s will be removed if they do not follow orders.

He said the ruling applied to both sides of the political divide.

“If everyone follows orders, I would not have to remove the microphone.

“If they do not follow the rules, I will have to remove it, based on my discretion,” he said.

Mohamad Ariff said this to explain the “missing” microphone from Datuk Seri Tajuddin Abdul Rahman’s (BN-Pasir Salak) table raised by Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan (PAS-Kota Baru).

The PAS chief whip in Parliament had asked what happened to the microphone after Tajuddin was suspended for two days.

He sought an explanatio­n from Mohamad Ariff whether it was a new practice to remove the microphone of a suspended lawmaker.

“I would like to get an explanatio­n of whether there was an order from the Speaker and if this is a new practice of the new government.

“Under which standing order was this done,” he said before the start of the winding-up session for ministries of the 2020 Supply Bill.

Mohamad Ariff confirmed he had issued the order and said it was based on his discretion to protect the dignity of Parliament.

“That is my order and I can order for it to be replaced at any time.

“It need not be based on any written rules,” he said.

Takiyuddin, apparently not satisfied with the explanatio­n, interjecte­d and urged the Speaker to use his discretion judiciousl­y.

“Sometimes, the act to remove the microphone is needed,” said Mohamad Ariff.

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