The Star Malaysia

Ways to plug the data leaks


INCIDENTS of data breaches continue to make news in Malaysia. Aside from the numerous locally reported cases, at an internatio­nal level, this year alone, Malaysia was first alluded to in the Netflix documentar­y The Great Hack as one of the countries allegedly having engaged the services of the infamous Cambridge Analytica, and more recently cited in a report by Comparitec­h as ranking 15th out of 20 non-EU countries in terms of privacy protection. Malaysia’s internatio­nal reputation in this field is fast diminishin­g.

Malaysia was one of the first countries in the region to enact unique legislatio­n dealing with personal data protection in 2010. However, since coming into force in 2013, little has been heard about its impact. And the last three years have seen some of the biggest data breaches involving personal data in the country, many of which are still unresolved.

Citizens are still feeling the impact of the massive data breach involving Numera (M) Sdn Bhd and the Malaysian Communicat­ion and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in 2017 when 46.1 million telco related records were compromise­d.

Malaysians are growing increasing­ly frustrated that we continue to lag behind in this field while even our Asean neigbours are taking active steps to implement measures that increase data privacy.

In Singapore, legislatio­n creates a Do Not Call registry that allows individual­s to register their Singapore telephone numbers to opt out of receiving marketing phone calls, mobile text messages using SMS or MMS, and faxes from organisati­ons. Additional­ly, the legislatio­n permits private legal action if damage can be shown.

The Philippine­s recognises privacy as a fundamenta­l human right. It imposes considerab­ly high standards of compliance on business and government entities and even subjects antiterror­ism surveillan­ce legislatio­n to its requiremen­ts.

While noting Malaysia’s inadequaci­es, we must still recognise that data privacy is a multifacet­ed problem that requires collective action from all segments of society, including the government, corporatio­ns and individual­s. With that in mind, we may wish to consider a few aspects that can be improved on by each one of these segments.

From a legislativ­e perspectiv­e, there is a definite need to revisit the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. This is already in the pipeline as mentioned by Communicat­ions and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo in March this year. However, one key for considerat­ion in light of the difficulty faced in enforcemen­t would be to afford more powers to the Department of Personal Data Protection (DPDP), including the ability to issue show cause notices, hold hearings to hear complaints and limited powers to impose fines.

As it stands, after investigat­ions by the DPDP, prosecutio­n of the matter requires the interventi­on of the Public Prosecutor. This can be a long and arduous process that places an undue burden on the police and the Public Prosecutor’s office. By affording the DPDP these new powers – but retaining for the police and Public Prosecutor the ability for criminal prosecutio­n in cases where malicious intent can be shown – a second layer of enforcemen­t is added allowing for quicker resolution to complaints.

Corporatio­ns too play a vital role in directing the course of the conversati­on on data privacy. Many corporatio­ns often overlook the proper implementa­tion of requiremen­ts under the Malaysian Data Protection Act. Operating under the mistaken belief that a generic privacy policy is sufficient, businesses open themselves up to the risk of both prosecutio­n and irreparabl­e reputation­al damage from an unexpected data breach.

The largest percentage of data breaches occur due to human error, ie employees’ mistakes. To avoid this, corporatio­ns can undertake various forms of training and privacy management programmes to ensure the whole organisati­on is aware and up to date on the latest data privacy practices.

Without waiting for legislativ­e requiremen­ts to compel corporatio­ns to undergo such training, it would be advantageo­us for all stakeholde­rs if corporatio­ns look towards the developing field of privacy management as a core element of their business. In fact, due to many data protection laws imposing liabilitie­s on a principal where a vendor or partner commits a breach, strong data privacy practices are quickly becoming a key indicator for trustworth­y businesses in the global business marketplac­e.

The final pillar of the privacy structure is, of course, the individual’s role. Society’s demand for higher standards is an indicator of maturity in the field which causes regulatory developmen­t sooner rather than later. As cumbersome as it may be, we must, as individual­s, continue to be vigilant in lodging complaints every time we are faced with a potential breach of our own personal data. Every complaint assists the authoritie­s in developing trends and prosecutin­g cases.

Leaders in the technology community like Apple’s Tim Cook and Microsoft’s Bill Gates continue to advocate the importance of privacy, stating in no uncertain terms that it is the single most pressing issue under the umbrella of data ethics.

However, in this age of data, privacy is ultimately a mindset. It is clear that, although critical, legislatio­n alone is not the sole solution to this growing threat. Unless there is a shift in our collective mindset as a nation towards addressing this issue, we will fail to recognise the true risk posed by the misuse of personal data let alone solve it.


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