The Star Malaysia

By-election may see new faces

Non-politician civil servants may be fielded as last-minute candidates


KOTA KINABALU: The choice of candidates for the Kimanis by-election could see contending parties springing last-minute surprises amid ground feedback for new faces.

The two key parties – Parti Warisan Sabah and Sabah Umno – are weighing heavily on the choices of candidates ahead of the Jan 4 nomination.

It is learned that Sabah Umno, which is contesting on a Barisan Nasional ticket, and Warisan are toying with the idea of fielding a non-politician that included current and former civil servants.

Warisan is widely seen to be favouring Datuk Karim Bujang, whose successful election petition against Datuk Seri Anifah Aman’s victory forced the by-election.

Some party insiders, however, said they were also looking at other local leaders as possible candidates.

“We are still getting feedback. Don’t rule out a surprise candidate,” said a Warisan party leader who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Sabah Umno chief Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin said they would announce their candidate on Wednesday and refused to give any hints on the possible choice which included former Bongowan assemblyma­n Datuk Mohamad Alamin, who is Kimanis Umno chief.

Political analyst Dr Arnold Puyok said the candidates could make or break the parties involved in the by-election that widely stacked both the ruling Warisan and Umno on a “50-50 chance”.

He said the 18-month-old Warisan-led state government and Pakatan Harapan had to stop Barisan winning streak in the peninsula, a task he described as daunting for Chief Minister Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal.

“Warisan itself faced the touchy issue of Sabah Temporary Pass (PSS) as well as to answer critics on fulfilling key Pakatan election promises.

“Not easy for Warisan as it will have to face the electorate who are clearly unhappy with the PSS issue and Pakatan’s inability to fulfil its key election promises.

“Picking the right candidate, therefore, is crucial for both sides,” he said.

Puyok added that the odds were stacked against Warisan because after taking over power, it had yet to show it was capable of governing well and yet to come up with a long-term vision and plan for Sabah.

“All the opposition has to do is to ‘sell’ this to the electorate in order to tilt the balance in its favour,” he said.

Anifah, who has announced that he would not defend the seat he held for 20 years, threw his backing behind Barisan.

The former foreign minister who quit Umno last year to become an independen­t, however, cautioned Barisan not to take his support for granted.

“Barisan must support real moves to restore Sabah’s rights under Malaysia Agreement 1963 and also sincerely resolve the issues of illegal immigrants.

“Of course I fully support Barisan. I do not wish ever to see my children and my grandchild­ren become pendatang (illegal immigrants) in their own state.

“I raised the issue during my election campaign. But at the same time, KL should not take our support for granted,” he said in reference to his objection over the move to issue PSS to solve the long-standing illegal immigrant problems in Sabah.

Anifah also confirmed that he held discussion­s with Umno president Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and received assurances of solutions on the issues “dear to all Sabahans”.

“I know Zahid well enough that he is very serious over these issues. Otherwise, I would stand in this by-election through one of the localbased parties to send the message to KL not fool us,” he said.

We are still getting feedback. Don’t rule out a surprise candidate.

Warisan party leader

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